insanity_me created a topic of Pearl Boy

It's absolutely devastating to me that jooha lost his memory. But The thing that breaks my heart the most is that despite how dooshik definitely misses the old him, he still keeps loving him as a whole even if his memories are gone. He doesn't even care about how much he himself is hurting because he can tell that jooha is much more cheerful and relaxed not being able to remember all his trauma.
Sometimes ignorance reallys is bliss and for someone who has gone threw such awful things like jooha, it was his freedom.

insanity_me asked a question

for me it's:
"Koi wa ochitara" (and it's sequel)
"majo to neko"
"mother spirit" (both volumes)
"Toumei na Ai no Utsuwa"
it's always amzing when I find stories where yes they do indeed havesexy time but they still manage to make the couple's relationship feel so warm and tender. The more single the story makes me feel the better

insanity_me created a topic of ENNEAD

I was a gonna say that it's so funny how even seth can't resist a kitten and then I remembered that ancient egyptians really loved and respected cats so it's actually pretty on brand ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

wow they really tried to sort of humanize/redeem saana there at the end. Hell nah bitch, too late for that.

insanity_me created a topic of ENNEAD

I swear hathor reminds me so much of mitsuri from demon slayer but way more childish and delusional (≧▽≦) thankfully bastet was there to bring her back to earth.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Na-uh you can't do this to me author-nim
stop it, I don't want to start liking vericon and you can't make me. Please bring albis back. Because that long silver hair, shiny golden eyes and defined abs already had me cold sweating since before but that gentle smile at the end has me all sorts of conflicted. Bro is as majestic as he is unstable.
IF TOXIC ,WHY HOT?? stop making toxic characters look like michael angelo carved them from stone.



insanity_me created a topic of In the Doghouse

like, I know that sizes in smut are usually unrealistic and often exaggerated but that doesn't even look like what it's supposed to be
the girth, the size, the lenght
bro that's whole ass leg

my guy really dug his own grave, all that teasing came back to bite him in the ass

I'm glad that a good chunk of people reading this have actually been able to notice that sowon isn't just some slutty MC but rather a clearly traumatized person who uses sex as a form of self destructive coping mechanism to help him dissasociate from reality
that's why (in my opinion) what vericon did here is really important
because instead of just giving sowon what he wanted (the thing that was bad for him)
treating him gently actually worked as a grounding mechanism that pulled him out of that moment


The cuteness aggression I have rn is so strong I feel the need to destroy something in the most violent way possible
God I LOVE them

pure hearted children taming dangerous loyal beasts is one those tropes I will never get tired of, it's so endearing. Also this is unrelated but lauv as a character and his struggles is so relatable to someone neurodivergent.
"the things that come easy to other people, are extremely hard for lauv"
"The noisy world is now peaceful and quite"
"All he could do was suppress his emotions"
"because his ways are different, he couldn't get alonge with the others"
along with the constant remarks of how isolating lauv's condition is and how much lyrica's compassion and understanding helped him made me actually tear up.
My younger sister is high functioning autistic and I also suffer from sensory processing disorder along with adhd and the world through the eyes and ears of people like us can be loud and overwhelming. But when you find the right people to be with you through it, the noise and the scaryness can sometimes feel a lil more tolerable.