MitskiMyLove followed a goer
2 days

Damn she’s better than me fr. If someone I love changed like that I’d never trust ANYONE again

MitskiMyLove created a topic of Ki Sisters

Nah what the fu*k. So he just told his best friends stalker where he’s at just so he can get with his crush and destroy their relationship. Talk about keep your friends close but your enemies closer…

I thought it was so cute that she choose the kind and considerate guy just to be hit with the last panel that’s fuc*ing cruel man

MitskiMyLove created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Damn now I feel bad, I thought he started to like him. Turns out he just got manipulated so bad he doesn’t even question if this is something he wants, and just thinks that that is how it’s supposed to be between brothers

MitskiMyLove like question

Psychological/horror/thriller bls . Its been soo many days I've read a psychological or suspenseful bl . Some horror or maybe thriller which would put you at the end of a cliff in every chap !!
I'd better if unnecessary smut is avoided and only those three genre is highlighted .

I swear all these authors never had a step-sibling in their life and if they did that’s even weirder

Why the hell would she bring up the children of Williams past life that were made out of a fucked up relationship consisting of rape AND THEN TELLING HIM THEIR CHILDREN ARE THE REINCARNATION OF THEM Also I know the concept of rape didn’t really exist for men at that time but purposely getting pregnant against your partners wishes and coaxing him feels very non-consensual

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT MAKE THE SECOND PRINCE FALL IN LOVE WITH HER, their friendship is so precious and he doesn’t deserve to be hurt

Is Reynold based on someone the author knows personally cause why did they think it would be a good plot line to fuck*ng DEMOLISH his heart like that

Damn florist girl needs to chill, she acts like MC is 60 at the least And even if she was that’s literally non of her business. They’re both consenting adults