OKAY LISTEN— the noona made some VERY GOOD POINTS. it's a truth that's hard to confront and come to terms with, with the usual direction BLs like this tend to take. that being said, i'm open to the idea of them still ending up together but only after a lengthy, in-depth redemption arc for Seungho. which is uhhh probably not gonna happen. it's probably gonna be one of those "i know i treated you like shit and all but spat on your open mouth but i love you and that makes me a better person now" type of redemption, which is bullshit and overdone and the shittiest type of justification for the abuse Nakyum suffered in this goddamn household.
i think the only way for him to show redemption is to let Nakyum go,like give him a chance to make a choice,think things better and talk more ,they really need to live apart.......and also to apologize, i dont know but he will have to try a lot......it would be better if they kinda start fresh.......but i still hope they get together because i think Seungho needs him more than Nakyum needs him........its like yin and yang lol
xD i like angsty plots so i wont complain i love this........its not fluff so i wonder why people still cant accept that this will be very frustrating......he is the hell lord afterall lol
this manhwa never fails to piss me off because of trashta and however the fuck the emperor's name is spelled. god i hope they get divorced soon, navier deserves sooooo much better