Can you guys rec me an action Manhwa that’s not sexist, has no romance and harem. Preferably a series that delves into the emotions of characters and world building more (think Barbarian Quest though the rep for women there isn’t exactly good) thanks in advance!!
I feel like these probably get recommended a lot, but I love them so…
I don’t remember the story too well and I’m not caught up but was quite good. I remember the power system being unique and the world was pretty interesting given the repetitiveness of the genre. There is *minimal romance, but the MC doesn’t really reciprocate/not part of his story, granted only from what I read so not sure about recent chaps
I think I found it on here but I’m not sure, it’s a (most likely) manhwa and the mc is in college. I think the comic opens up with her talking about how she cut her hair and always gets mistaken for being a lesbian (this is a gl btw so she is sapphic). I’m pretty sure the Mc has blue hair and the fl has red hair. Please help ╥﹏╥
Best no romance comic you ever read?
dunno if it's the best but this just made me remember this manga
(plus my ride or die
sachiiro no one room
Blue Period(smart delinquent becomes an artist)
Dr. Stone(genius scientist waking up in a stone world after being petrified)