I cannot side with either of them. thinking from their perspective, I feel like her friend had reached her bottom after she quit writing, and that guy also said it's harsh saying a little tweaking would make it good. And fl clearly didn't understand where he was going with this. Jia did really do this with good intentions to cheer her friend up. So when she presented a edited version to her friend I think she felt like she was taunting or something. Nobody is perfect man, everyone has their flaws, she was insecure of her writing, and when Jia did it on a whim and succeeded, she would have been so insecure, thinking she has no talent and who knows from the way, they portrayed her lying in the bed, she might have been depressed too, so it's not fair to hate on her without knowing what was the reason.
But I do think this might be the reason jia quit writing
God ewwww, disgusting pervert