This was unresolved and rushed as hell in the end. The red head is a disaster. He’s a cheater and he knows it. He couldn’t give less of a fuck who he hurts on his path of self satisfaction. I hated how he acted clueless in the beginning when he was telling his lover how he kissed his underage student. Like bitch? Seriously!!??? Then the lies and denials of having feelings for the black haired kid and his contradicting actions just brought my piss to a boil. Why in the fuck does he play house with this kid, spending the weekend there to fuck, while boldly lying to his bf? Then he breaks down. Not because he’s cheating scum and felt bad for his bf but because his side piece left the country to study. Wow! He confesses but not long after gets back into a relationship with his cousin. The worst for me was that, after the black haired kid came back, he immediately rushed to him (again lying about it to his bf), and he actually brought him back to the home he shared with his bf to fuck the other dude in their bed. What a hoe bucket!! I felt sorry for his simp cousin until he fucked him on his wedding night in their former apartment. Seriously?? Where was his bride? I see this as an attempt to equal the asshole scale so we won’t hate the redhead too much. There was a similar attempt where the redhead had to “endure” painful sex. Anyways, after he cheats on the black haired dude, he just boots it out of everybody’s life and like a coward writes him and his cousin a “dear John letter”. The whole time I was waiting for the cousin to hook up with his boss and drop that zero, but in super rush mode he suddenly decided to be straight and marry some random girl he immediately cheats on right after their wedding. And I’m sorry, all the other people in their lives just give fucked up advice, or putting their noses where it doesn’t belong. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Jesus fucking christ