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Hoshikudaki's topics ( All 17 )

Hoshikudaki April 19, 2021 4:53 am

Does anyone still have a copy of this manga?

Hoshikudaki May 9, 2020 1:52 am

but it sure is the funniest yaoi manga I've read so far! Lol

Hoshikudaki's questions ( All 27 )

    Yamanekio April 5, 2019 8:31 am

    https://news.gamme.com.tw/1616225 apparently that one but sorry i cant read it so I dont know the name :D maybe someone else here can

    Lokilokippppearl April 5, 2019 9:17 am
    https://news.gamme.com.tw/1616225 apparently that one but sorry i cant read it so I dont know the name :D maybe someone else here can Yamanekio

    Wèile qǔ nǐ huí jiā wǒ gǎibiànle fǎlǜ, hé wǒ jiéhūn qù ba
    It basically means something along the lines of:
    1) In order to bring you home as my wife, I changed the law, please marry me
    2) Because I want to marry you and bring you home, I have changed the law. Let's get married.

    Lokilokippppearl April 5, 2019 9:23 am
    為了娶你回家我改變了法律,和我結婚去吧Wèile qǔ nǐ huí jiā wǒ gǎibiànle fǎlǜ, hé wǒ jiéhūn qù baIt basically means something along the lines of: 1) In order to bring you home as... Lokilokippppearl

    I can't read the Japnese title, but I just translated the chinese title from the link you gave (just realised it was Japanese)

    Lokilokippppearl April 5, 2019 9:41 am
    I can't read the Japnese title, but I just translated the chinese title from the link you gave (just realised it was Japanese) Lokilokippppearl

    Omae no tame ni hōritsu kaetakara, Ore to kekkon shite kure

    Yamanekio April 5, 2019 10:46 am
    おまえの為に法律変えたから、俺と結婚してくれOmae no tame ni hōritsu kaetakara, Ore to kekkon shite kure Lokilokippppearl

    https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=146837 yay thanks to your help we did it :D

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