lowkey need mc and ml need to get their shit together, i hate seeing that geto looking bitchass brother thinking he won by somehow getting yoo gon in on his little cash grab club
this was a really good read imo. one criticism i personally have is that i couldnt connect with the characters as much and they felt a bit flat. otherwise, this was a really good manhwa to end the night off with
honestly, im really picky with manhwas especially because they can get cliche and boring fast but, my god was this good. ive reread this 5 times by now and its always been amazing each time. one of my all time favorites.
i feel that the story is disturbing in a very good way? like theyre all very heavy and triggering topics to be read in a manhwa but the plot just scratches the right part of my brain for some reason. maybe im just bored of all the cliche manhwas ive been seeing lately.
someone needs to glue a jar of live rats on the grandpas face and heat up the other end so the rats have to crawl their way out of his face to get out fr
WONJAE IS SO SEXXXYYY. need tjem to switch back IMMEDIATELY because jihoons personality does NOT mash well with wonjaes fine ass if mc doesnt want him i do hand him the fuck over PLEASE
im not sure how to feel about this one. seems like theres a lack of consent and some manipulation is going on but i enjoy the general dynamic they have
lowkey need mc and ml need to get their shit together, i hate seeing that geto looking bitchass brother thinking he won by somehow getting yoo gon in on his little cash grab club
'geto looking bitchass brother' LMFAOOOOO
Now now