This is fun, and all that- and by the sound of it there's going to be fun consequences to that rut. But I really hate that habit of just drawing people with animal ears so they end up with 2 sets of ears. Think about it if it were eyes- and they had both animal and human eyes- ugh! Nope, one or the other, but not both.

Well, in this manga they’re established as humans with a mutated gene that gives them animal features (plus omegaverse stuff). So if they didn’t have human ears, The question begs: how mutated is the gene, and what are the variations? Plus, if it affects the visible features, what about inner body functions? (I.e without human ears the way they hear things and the way their head/ear anatomy would be different too. I imagine that would need to be explained, so it’d be easier to draw wth both anatomy, and say they’re human, but also have cat ears). At least that’s my understanding of it.

While entertaining, this has nothing to do with actual Christian lore and mythology. I don't know whether to applaud the artistic liberties or be annoyed that once again angels and demons are being used in a way that bears little resemblance to the source material (whether or not you believe in it).
I also thought that line about refugees was beyond acceptable.

Because the angels and demons of Christian mythology are nothing like this, and have little to do with what Christianity supposes the "world" order of heaven and hell to be. I have no belief either, but so often angels and demons are basically rendered as if they were humans with powers (showing perhaps our own limited imaginations) with the same nature and motivations, and with a characteristic role reversal of making the angels the bad guys instead of the good guys. Or just both being somewhere in the grey zone. That's what I meant by it having little to do with actual Christian mythology.
BTW- while it may be your opinion that the Bible is made up, it isn't a fact. It isn't something that can be proved. Nor can you prove that something like God, or ghosts for that matter, doesn't exist. It is scientifically impossible to prove a negative existence of that sort. You can make various arguments for why you consider it unlikely, but there will never be conclusive proof.
Also I did write that I wasn't sure whether to applaud the artistic liberties or not. Which means I'm kind of divided on the issue. I think at this point I have seen so many stories using angels and demons as a theme in a similar manner that it neither feels really new nor inspired.

While this is supposed to be an erotic fantasy, I'm not sure about the direction this is going in. I mean I can't see the mangaka making the case for why the seme would feel justified in doing what he's doing to the uke. He might have been wronged by the uncle, and the rest of the family, but we haven't been shown anything except that these two were good friends until the day the seme disappeared. That the worst thing the uke could have been was oblivious. And that would hardly justify this sort of thing, even in an erotic fantasy.
If the relationship is ever going to change, meaning that at some point we as readers need to be able to forgive the seme for all of this, and his behavior has to be justified. Or we won't like the uke for "loving" someone who's a bastard and treats him like crap. That would be one twisted fantasy.

While I'm sure most, if not all, of us can agree he's a selfish hypocritical bastard who should just let Min-ki go (and Min-ki should just break up with him), there's another aspect as well. Those "sponsors". Are they sponsoring him in return for sexual favors? Did he, in other words, whore his way to fame? And is his career still dependent on pleasing those sponsors? If so, not only would Wonho be a uke as well as a seme, but he wouldn't be in a position professionally to be faithful nor might he want to.

I think that's one of the things that Min-ki touches on too. He mentions that he understood why Wonho accepted this sponsor dynamic to climb up in this business but when does it end, when will it be enough, when will Wonho realize that what he stands to lose is far greater than what could be gained at this point. On the other hand, for those who don't fit the standard mold of seme or uke it probably is extremely hard to to give up a very natural and primal sexual need for the rest of your life in order to fulfill the ideal role the person you love needs you to be. Life is long, the idea of one partner and one role to play for your entire foreseeable future is suffocating...almost as suffocating as a life spent suppressing the wants and desires that would break your loves heart. He doesn't want to lose Min-ki, to disappoint him or hurt him, but there's no doubt that despite all the desires that he fulfills Min-ki will never be the one to push Wonho down and make him sore for a change.

all true, except, did he ever ask Min-Ki? Perhaps Min-Ki would like it to? and if he thinks he's suffocating, how suffocating for the other person you supposedly love to constantly cheat and lie to him when he knows what you're doing? they are both screwed up.. haha.. neither is healthy, and now Taeyoung has moved into an unhealthy area also :/ Oh well, this is what makes this story:)

I think about the way he whored himself to fame is true though, maybe he still feels insecure about losing it hence why he still does that. Looking at the big twist came with the appearance of Eunwoo, i think the author is the type that will not make any characters a complete villain...like they all will have reasonable motives in what they done. From the start, we are always faced with the adorable and positive Taeyoung and now we see him clearly taking advantage of Minki's drunk when he had all power to push him away. So i guess the author try to make the characters aren't 2D. So imma what else we can discover from Wonho

Yes, I want even thinking about the romp in the sheets. Now our angelic little fanboy Taeyoung has moved into the dangerous territory of taking advantage of a person while they were blackout drunk. Min-ki was the aggressor and Taeyoung did ensure he recognized him before continuing but if you have to convince someone of who you are because they're too inebriated to recognize you then you should definitely just put them to bed. Taeyoung knew what he was doing, knew he could have easily pushed Min-ki away,
and called himself a garage person because of it. I think the writer may be delving into a very realistic world where everyone is guilty of something, just to varying degrees.

Sorry to join the conversation,
but based on the bathtub scene where Minki use dildo for himself, I think he's more satisfied as uke. Plus he said "it's not enough".
I am not gay, heck I am not even a man, but my close friend is a hardcore uke, Lol :D
He said he tried to became seme one time and he ended up having two "sessions" because he needs that thing inside his butt.
Well, both Minki and Wonho just won't moved on. They knew they both feel insecure but because of this "love", they won't break up.

I understand.. but my point was really..it's not something he tried to work out with Min-Ki at all, but continues to cheat with many other partners, and not as the uke.. so my original response was to how hard it was for him to give up being a uke ( or seke ) how it may suffocate him to suppress that. But I think that's not really why he is doing it, and if he was really in love with Min-Ki and vice versa and they had a good relationship this could have been a conversation. Min-Ki loving being a uke isn't why he is the person he is right now.

Yes, I also think that sex position is not really the main problem here.
At the end of my comment, I wrote "Well, both Minki and Wonho just won't moved on. They knew they both feel insecure but because of this "love", they won't break up."
What I meant by that is both Wonho and Minki, in my opinion, has reach the peak of being couple. They might loved each other so much in the past, but at the time Taeyoung appear, their relationship is completely done (and no, it has nothing to do with Taeyoung). With just simply words "it's over", they'll easily broke up and moved on.
I think both of them aware of this situation but just won't move on.
This kind of case happens in lots of "long time" couples, plus with all this "cheating" and "sponsors", and how Minki was tired with the trust issue, I can't see a future for them to stay together.
And yes, I also like to see how Wonho became the person he is now.
I hate cheating and won't forgive anyone who's cheating, but it'll be good if the author show us the reason behing Wonho's actions.

I'm sure that the ploys that the seme is using will make for entertaining plot. But honestly, even as a reader it makes me feel like the uke should just avoid him like a plague and find someone else who doesn't play games. If someone did this to me in RL I'd drop him faster than a hot potato. Not that I wouldn't have regrets over having to drop something that hot.

I kept reading this, but somehow it just never quite worked for me. I just never really felt convinced by it. Nor did the cute aspects really work. Considering the rating it has, this is obviously just my opinion and the story must have worked for lots of other people. But for me something was just lacking from the start. I thought the way the characters were drawn was really well done though.

I really love this story and think it is great. I love the depth and emotion of it. But in this last chapter was I really to understand that both of our MC's were suffering from memory problems? I mean one I can accept, but BOTH? So I hope the second case was "I'm pretending to not know who you are" sort of memory loss.

This story started with lots promise, taking the trouble with the world building, characters, and creating an interesting situation for both. Then around ch. 3 it decided to ditch all that, go for a dumb jealous bro conspiracy plot (that doesn't make sense), S&M and what have you. By ch. 4 the story is rushing to a romantic conclusion despite everything else still being far from concluded.
This is more a sad tale of wasted potential. Had it gone with the original concept and taken the time and patience with it, it could have been good. Instead I just got whiplash from the constant change of direction, and a total sense dissatisfaction from a story that didn't deliver on its promise and couldn't manage to do a decent job of tying up loose ends.
I can see reasons both for and against on several levels to wanting our MC to end up with either guy. The thing I personally find that is missing from the relationship between Woo and Pres is the sense of equal dynamics and trust. Sure I can understand the Pres not wanting to involve Woo in ugly family affairs, yet by not explaining and trusting him on some level with his personal problems, he not only hurts Woo, but shuts him out of a major part of his life. It isn't that he doesn't care about Woo, but that he seems to do so on his own terms only.
On the other hand, the other guy is supposedly straight, and there would be all the complications of starting a new relationship in the shadow of the old one. But I think that their dynamic would be at least more equal from the start should it happen.