This has a great setting and on some points an interesting premise and characters. My main reservation is actually Chel (?). While I feel sorry for what he's going through with all that intolerance, I can't take his romantic feelings seriously. It's a one-sided teen crush and as much because Michael was the one person who was nice to him. I would rather he grew out of it, as I would think it emotionally healthy, and a sign that he wasn't depending on Michael for all his emotional needs.
So for me it depends on how the story goes. If it really tries to set up Chel and Michael as a pairing, I'll be disappointed. But by the looks of the cover it might be more Lucifer and Chel and honestly I don't know how I feel about that. Right now Chel is just such a child and Lucifer so very much not. So even if I like the setting and so much else I fear that this is may be one of those stories that despite it all I end up giving up on. I hope not.

While it is a trope to have a teasing and/or dominant seme who sometimes is a bit of a bully, if the character is too much of a bully and a jerk with few redeeming qualities it starts to be hard for the reader to want the romance. Instead they get annoyed with the whole thing. Especially if there's a much nicer more deserving friend who gets passed over in favor of the jerk bully. Worse is when stories try to justify awful behavior with some sort of sob story that really doesn't excuse it at all rather than letting the character learn a serious lesson.
I, like a lot of people, get annoyed with this trope because it is twisted, especially when it just goes too far. Why should I root for someone to fall for somebody who treats him or her like dirt? And no, being lonely or having lost your parents or whatever is no excuse. Most people suffer misfortune without becoming complete a**holes.

Well that was an unexpected turn of events. Though I'm happy it was to a country like Sweden rather than the normal choices that characters seem to flit off to. I really look forward to knowing what happens next.
The only criticism I might have is Kuroba seemed to go from mildly fascinated to being in love in no time. I can accept the fast paced turn of events, but his feelings just seemed too fast paced despite it all. As if getting shot made him fall in love. Cupid's bullet?

I should think it was like blood types; with type A (alpha) or type B (beta) both being dominant types, but type O (omega) being recessive. Otherwise it is kind of hard genetically to explain how you can have so few omegas compared to alphas and betas. But oh well...

And since there are dominant and recessive Alphas (, Betas?) and Omegas this explanation doesn't fit either. There are recessive and dominant genes and some genes only need one allele to be dominant in order to make the gene itself dominant whereas others need both to be either, accordingly. That certainly seems to be the more likely explanation.

This is one of those stories that though I enjoy some things about it, like the plot premise in general, there's just so much at the same time that I hate and get annoyed by.
The MC is the worst kind of shoujo heroine overly obsessed with her own "purity". Even Chengyi at a point tells her that her past isn't an issue and he wants her for herself, but SHE is the one who says no because she no longer deserves to love him or his love because she has now (still as a virgin) betrayed that love. WTH? What were the first chapters about?? And it is exactly because her character has to be this "pure" thing, every guy around her has to force himself on her because otherwise there wouldn't be any of those titillating scenes.
Even worse the story is long enough, but it keeps repeating certain themes in various forms. Jealous co-worker/girlfriend out to get Yaoyao. Plan fails.
So I ask myself why exactly do I enjoy this? Despite the really annoying MC and a story that drags its feet? I honestly don't know.

Well it is an interesting and a hot premise so far. Though I admit I'm not a big fan of starting the story first at one point in time only then to zip back to the beginning. Often it is done with no real reason and instead of adding something can actually in some cases detract.
But I like the premise and set up for the story. Not only are both the characters strong in their own way, but the situation looks to be one that could be both hot but also have emotional drama. Those are often those I tend to enjoy the most.

I find the story interesting in that until now there has been a theme about how people judge others others on superficial qualities. Hotta does it on the train to the other guy (can't remember his name), and turns out to be all wrong about him. He does it as well about the girl only to find out she isn't really that nice. His co-workers have all been judging him, and rather nastily leaving him out of social occasions. The only one who doesn't seem to do so is that guy.
About not including Hotta; who does that?? That is plain wrong- I have seen nothing in the story that would excuse the co-workers giving him that sort of treatment. If you're holding a workplace related social event you invite everyone from the workplace on principle. The only thing that might excuse it would be if a person was really known for getting into arguments and causing trouble with co-workers. Not inviting someone cause you're just not interested in them socially is mean and nasty. And then to only invite them as a means to get someone else to attend is cruel.

While I would have to re-read to know whether it was or wasn't, what was clear was that not only did they generally invite those that worked there, so not inviting someone who's a co-worker when everyone else is going is kind of mean. Especially when you consider that Hotta was a student until 2 years ago (he's been working there 5), and so, not only wasn't invited when he was a student, he now would hardly be as out of touch with the whole "student vibe" as you seem to suggest.
I think the story sadly makes it rather clear that they did exclude him. The fact that they are perfectly capable of inviting him just to get another guy to come kind of makes that obvious.
On a side note- few student functions that I know of are just "student functions". They are normally for a department or faculty, or in some other way specific. That doesn't mean that students from other subjects can't attend or even friends and former students are usually welcome if they happen to be around. At least that's the way it is with most of the universities I'm familiar with. Though it does depend on the event. A barbecue would be a fairly casual thing. Considering this is a convenience store that just hires students, there's little likelihood that they all attend the same department or faculty, and so would automatically be invited to the same student functions.
I feel for both characters. The alpha having to put up with all this, and really is being really nice about it when you consider everything he doesn't know and the fact that they didn't get along to begin with. But for the omega, who had thought he wasn't going to have a heat, had gotten used to his life as it was, it would be really shocking to have this stuff suddenly upending everything and his whole identity, being beyond his control, and to top it off with the guy he doesn't like at work. No wonder he wants to run.
Well obviously they both must like each other on some level as well. And must always have. I really look forward to seeing them work this out.