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Amberwaves May 6, 2019 11:38 pm

I feel for both characters. The alpha having to put up with all this, and really is being really nice about it when you consider everything he doesn't know and the fact that they didn't get along to begin with. But for the omega, who had thought he wasn't going to have a heat, had gotten used to his life as it was, it would be really shocking to have this stuff suddenly upending everything and his whole identity, being beyond his control, and to top it off with the guy he doesn't like at work. No wonder he wants to run.
Well obviously they both must like each other on some level as well. And must always have. I really look forward to seeing them work this out.

Amberwaves May 6, 2019 7:15 am

This has a great setting and on some points an interesting premise and characters. My main reservation is actually Chel (?). While I feel sorry for what he's going through with all that intolerance, I can't take his romantic feelings seriously. It's a one-sided teen crush and as much because Michael was the one person who was nice to him. I would rather he grew out of it, as I would think it emotionally healthy, and a sign that he wasn't depending on Michael for all his emotional needs.

So for me it depends on how the story goes. If it really tries to set up Chel and Michael as a pairing, I'll be disappointed. But by the looks of the cover it might be more Lucifer and Chel and honestly I don't know how I feel about that. Right now Chel is just such a child and Lucifer so very much not. So even if I like the setting and so much else I fear that this is may be one of those stories that despite it all I end up giving up on. I hope not.


Amberwaves's questions ( All 4 )

Amberwaves September 12, 2018 9:00 pm

Since I don't know where else to suggest this I'll do it here. Right now mangas only have 2 statuses; ongoing and completed. That gets pretty ridiculous when there hasn't been an update in years. So can I suggest that there be 3rd status; unfinished, which automatically sets in after a period of time with no updates (1 1/2-2 yrs?) and which can be switched back to ongoing should the manga start updating again.
I'm tired of starting a manga that said ongoing and forgetting to check when it was last updated, only to find that after really getting into it it hadn't been updated in over 3 or 4 years.

Amberwaves September 8, 2018 9:14 am

I've been wondering why all the thumbs up and down show 0. Is it just my computer, connection or something? Or has the site changed their policy or got some bug? So I guess I'm asking if other people have the same thing and know what's going on? Not that it matters, but if it is my problem alone I'd like to know.

    kedamono September 8, 2018 9:27 am

    it's either the site acting up or a new policy eheh

    Amberwaves September 8, 2018 10:06 am
    it's either the site acting up or a new policy eheh kedamono

    Thanks- ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ we'll just have to put up.

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do u have this "disease"?? 09-28 07:11

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Enjoys reading any genre from fantasy, sci-fi, yaoi, shounen-ai, and historicals. Generally, prefer even to have my fantasy & such as shounen-ai, to avoid the various forms of pandering to the 'naughty (overgrown) schoolboy' mentality, as I'm not anything of the sort and only find it annoying.
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