Tima March 7, 2024 1:20 pm

Hibino was a great character and I love her. She's wonderfully written and has good development. Anyone who hates her is a misogynist. I wish some of y'all would get your heads out of your asses and stop seeing women as the default enemy

    Batata April 25, 2024 12:11 pm

    Just because you love hibino, it doesn't mean everyone has to like her too and just because those people don't like hibino doesn't make them misogynist, that's some really nasty assumption on your part, most of these people imo like female characters who are not unnecessarily annoying and clingy. Especially, not a burden by inserting themselves in situations where they're not needed.
    I've yet to read this manga and find out how good of a story is it tho but....
    I recently read a webtoon 'Purple Hyacinth', it nicely depicts what a good female charater is like, I highly recommend it!!....

Tima January 23, 2024 3:42 am

Mad respect, it knew what it wanted and did it. Too many stories these days overstay their welcome and pretend to have a plot to justify their porn. This doesn't do that. It got to point immediately and didn't bother with too much backstory/ justification

Tima November 20, 2023 12:33 pm

She works the same job as him AND did all the housework, the second shift in action. Good for her for dumping that loser. Then ofc he went and got with a 21 year old who worships him and who moved in with him after like a month

    Itsuki tetsu January 3, 2024 12:07 am

    Like fr. The story look so adorable because of the art but I want the 21 year old to run away lol. Hope “daddy” would change for the better because he's a real loser.

    Rinsama_ January 4, 2024 6:26 am

    No like, that's what I thought the entire time the boy kept calling him kind this kind that. I just don't see it?????

Tima November 5, 2023 2:23 am

Idk why this pisses me off as much as it did. It's dumb as fuck but I'm more pissed then I usually am about dumbass shit. His sister is opposed to his relationship with his boyfriend (he is 16 y.o and the bf is 23y.o) so she asks him, how old is he? What is his job? (gambler) how did they meet? (rape) and this motherfucker is shocked. He refuses to go to a good university what would be well suited for him to stay near his piece of shit boyfriend. And in the end she approves???? Astonishing

    Nameless November 5, 2023 2:57 am

    that's how domestic abuse in relationships starts

Tima August 18, 2023 7:00 am

I REALLYYY hate the "I became gay because women are bitches" trope. Especially for a story that takes itself so fucking seriously.

Honestly, I hate a lot about this and so much of it goes back to the fact that this thing takes itself so seriously.

Ok, so you, personally, don't want to be out. Ok fine, it's all good. Opening hating on the gay guy for daring to be out, only because you personally don't want to be out. That's fucking annoying, like super fucking annoying.

Acting like hiding your relationship is just because "that's just what I prefer" is fucking bullshit and everyone can smell it from a mile away. When a character challenges them on it, well it's because 'he's projecting his own insecurities'. To act like the character's homophobia has nothing to do with this, that he is in fact just this way and its fine and no introspection is required, and YOU'RE wrong for questioning his choices, it's awful.

This thing takes itself too fucking seriously and it sucks for it.

    drops August 18, 2023 8:13 am

    I agree with parts of this comment, especially the "traumatized by girls" part, but also in regards to being out, I think you need to take into consideration that this is made in a country where you'll get less opportunities, less connections, and shunned/gossiped about by everyone you know for coming out. Things are becoming more lax but nowhere near where the western world is in terms of acceptance, and there is still work to be done in the western world too. The guys annoyance comes not necessarily from the other dude being so open about it, but more because of having to see all the negative attention it gains as a reminder. Not saying he's right to say the things he did in the first few chapters, but it's clear that by the end he is okay with his boyfriend being openly gay, he just can't do it himself for the time being. I think bringing up how the childhood friend who thinks it's wrong is projecting (and they also made him a rapist lol) is a good point though; objectively, having a dynamic where one person is left wishing they could be open about it forever is unhealthy. I don't think the story is saying that they'll never be out as a couple though.

    drops August 18, 2023 8:16 am

    At the end of the day tho the story is just not very well written lol so I'm not tryna defend it with my life or anything, it's moreso just the reasoning behind why it makes more sense coming fron another country; you kinda see that topic come up in like most gay romance in Japan

    Tima August 19, 2023 6:01 am
    I agree with parts of this comment, especially the "traumatized by girls" part, but also in regards to being out, I think you need to take into consideration that this is made in a country where you'll get less... drops

    No, like I totally get what you're trying to say but there is no narrative justification for ml's decisions. Mc is out with no negative consequences as a result. If we are to place our own world's values and issues in this story then it would be more jarring. Homophobia is not even a consideration within this story, in fact the closest to homophobia we see is within the ml himself. So either bring up homophobia as a reason for him being so deeply closeted and contend with it in the narrative or ignore it and have a gap in logic and motivation. We as readers are aware of homophobia and are making justifications for the characters that are completely nonexistent within the text itself and at the same time we are aware that a similar plot 100% would not exist within a similar heterosexual story.

    I don't fault the ml for not being out. I am also closeted because I currently live abroad in the Middle East, being out isn't an option for everyone and I know that. But I hate his claiming of it as a neutral choice or even as the superior one, one that is also not allowed to be questioned or kept in context of society. He hates that mc talks opening about being gay and again this thought is reaffirmed even after they enter the relationship 'well at least he isn't talking about it out loud now'.

    I guess mainly, I've been really put off by the homophobia I've been reading in mlm romances (weirdly, not as common in wlw romances). I've been questioning the intentions and beliefs of the authors. Are they speaking from their own experience? Or is this how they believe gay people should act? Closeted, quiet, and out of people's faces. That infuriates me. As a message within media that profits from queerness it feels icky to say the least.

    Anyways, I did get a bit heated but thank you for your thoughts and for having this discussion with me!!

    Tima August 19, 2023 6:01 am
    At the end of the day tho the story is just not very well written lol so I'm not tryna defend it with my life or anything, it's moreso just the reasoning behind why it makes more sense coming fron another count... drops

    Honestly, you're right this thing is not that well written

Tima August 15, 2023 9:10 pm

You can't write shit like this without being a homophobic person who believes that gays deserve to suffer. Honestly, this is absurd and truly a awful read.

Tima August 8, 2023 9:14 pm

Truly a perfect manga. Incredibly comfortable and respectful. Even just a whiff of homophobia got a warning so that there's no shock or disrespect. So many BL/GLs feel straight up homophobic with what content hey allow in them, from pushing characters into violent and dangerous situations that were justified due to their sexuality or even refusing to have properly gay characters instead having 'two straights who just happened to find each other'. In contrast, this is a breath of fresh air. A queer feminist perspective of a typical slice of life. Food is a way of connection, joy, and love that becomes oppressive through patriarchy. Cooking as a duty, food denoting familial status with women at the bottom, eating becomes an act governed by male opinions.

The reclaiming of cooking and eating through a non-patriarchal lens, to say it's refreshing is an understatement.

This is a masterpiece that I recommend wholeheartedly.

    BoxyTrash November 29, 2023 2:23 am

    This exactly puts all my thoughts on a platter! (heh)

    Gosh it makes me wish there would be more queer stories like these instead of most the questionable BL/GL there is around...

Tima January 6, 2021 7:11 pm

Yae started developing their chest and became more aware of their societal limitations as someone perceived as a feminine woman. They hated that perception because then everything about them now became their perceived femininity from their hair and their body to their hobbies. They can’t simply enjoy sewing without it affirming to others their perceptions of Yae’s.

When entering an all-girls school Yae was in a way freed of the male gaze and the constant gendering of their every action. The all-girls school is seen by the students as a bit of a haven where they can have fun with romances that don’t matter. Inside the school they can be themselves but outside they have to adhere to straight patriarchal society they have fun inside the school understanding they can’t get too attached to this environment because the patriarchal outside society. While the students internalized the idea of heterosexual relationships being the only valid ones they are also exploring their sexuality in a safe space where the girls are understanding of each other and there’s no harassment or questions since everybody understands. In the school, Yae unlearns the male gaze and instead understands there are many people and everyone enjoys different things and aesthetics without it being boiled down to their sex. Yae was thinking of the many types of girls at the school and them living in a way authentic to their interests and personalities without it coming with an added layer of gender it is instead being a way for them to be genuine and comfortable.

Yae constantly being uncomfortable with their chest is because it’s a constant reminder of their hyper-feminine presentation which doesn’t necessarily match their own identity.

Chitose also doesn’t typically match a feminine ideal often having what’s commonly perceived as masculine traits such as being strong, athletic, and tall. Chitose is often described as handsome by others and is often dressed in masculine clothing. Gender and gender presentation isn’t of great importance of Chitose.

With Chitose, Yae acts the way they are most comfortable their presentation not being at the forefront of their mind. They are themselves, not a woman, not what other people think they are, they are just accepted by Chitose without preconceived notions. With Chitose, Yae begins to see their body without their own filters of societal notions of genders. It’s not a woman’s body but Yae’s body.

This story is about Yae’s journey of gender, sexuality, and love. Whether or not Yae is cis they went through a journey of self love, introspection, understanding, and acceptance. Yae for a long time understood that “a woman can’t love another woman” After Yae was rejected and came to understand what occurred it was followed immediately with a stark reminder puberty, of how this is going to be it for the rest of their life. Yae looks like a woman and so they can’t ever love another woman. It doesn’t matter whether or not they were actually a girl. They look like one and everything they do will there reaffirm to others of that which will in turn pressure Yae more to fit more feminine ideals in a never ending cycle. They were gaslight by society into denying their feelings and attempting to rationalize it which then caused them to reconsider the whole basis of gender. Which then later caused greater introspection into what gender and specifically femininity means to Yae themselves.

I believe when Yae says “I’m glad to be born a girl”, they’re saying that if they were born a heterosexual man they wouldn’t have gone through that introspection of gender and identity and end up having a deeper understanding of themselves and others like Chitose.

There’s way more I can say about this book since it’s so good but for now this is my first impression. Does anyone else agree? Specifically any nb ppl how does this relate if at all to your experience?

Tima November 30, 2020 6:00 am

So I think the claw machine represent like their relationship and each time emi fails to get the doll it’s a relationship she’s stopping yuu from having a relationship. That’s why she only tries once each time and gives up, she’s not trying to get the doll even though she wants it but rather she is thinking if it comes to me it’ll be good but I won’t do more than that.
The end is about yuu giving emi her love (the doll) but emi isn’t prepared to have it even though she’s vaguely known she wanted it and so yuu is telling her now you have it so how do you feel about this. Like she’s saying I do like you now it’s your turn to try to understand your feelings.
Emi isn’t sure the difference between being best friends and being lovers. She doesn’t know how to categorise her feelings towards yuu because she’s the first friend and the first person she liked so she can’t separate those feelings. Her idea of love is based solely on what she sees in yuu during her crushes and she emulates that with the claw machine. Yuu constantly uses superstitions to get her crushes and so emi does the same. She likes yuu as more than a friend but doubts herself and her own sincerity since she doesn’t see herself exhibiting the same traits as yuu
Or it could be that emi wanted to understand love by exploring her relationship with yuu more eventually getting to the conclusion (the doll) herself but when the yuus love (the kiss) was given to her she hadn’t yet finished understanding her own feelings that why she said gross because she hadn’t yet finished understanding her feelings and this kiss was just a more confused version of what he had done with boys before. It’s like barely learning algebra and then the next day going straight into advanced calculus. She has a lot of gaps in her feelings that just aren’t filled in yet. And so that’s yuu’s revenge making emi more seriously consider her feelings and not just give up after one try like with the claw machine
Idk tho this is really cute and I wish there was more but the end it’s interesting as is.

Tima November 15, 2020 9:15 am

If you physically, mentally, emotionally, or sexually abuse girls and support a system that does you are a piece of shit. I understand the whole point of this story is that everyone is redeemable but kinda fuck that. The guys of the student council sexually and physically abused so many women it doesn’t matter why they did it. Those women are traumatised and hurt because of their bullshit and there is no excuse for it. When the victim of sexual assault (gun girl) apologised to the piece of shit that tried to rape her and that’s been abusing her for being afraid of him and having her image of him based in his mistreatment of her I just couldn’t fathom what the fuck the author was thinking. In the first fucking chapter he tried to RAPE her and she thanks him for his persistent effort to get her back because it made her feel wanted. Um no no no no why the fuck would she want her rapist to get her back? You know you don’t have to redeem everybody. From the beginning you could just tell that the author was a man of its not the author then some other man with very heavy influence in the way the story progressed you can just sense these things. A man that realises his fucking privilege and power and enjoys it but feels bad because he knows he gets it at the expense of women but not bad enough to give up those privileges. The victim is under NO FUCKING obligation to forgive their oppressors. Especially so that their oppressors don’t feel bad. That’s the dumbass theme of the story; forgive your oppressors, your abusers because they’re going through shit too. Oh my fucking god whattttt?????? There is no respect for women here at all, oh men are victims in misogyny too, shut the fuck up, women are the main victims of misogyny. It’s just sooooo fucking hard for men because they don’t want to exploit and abuse women but they have to otherwise.... otherwise what????? Your minor inconvenience is equal to the constant daily abuse these girls suffer????? Omg this is the first time I’ve finished something and cried of frustration. I still can’t believe this omg. There is no excuse, no possible noble reason in fucking existence that justifies the abuse these girls, young girls endured. This is the oppressors fantasy isn’t it, this is like a slave masters fantasy because that’s what these girls were, slaves; That they’ll say “sorry I didn’t really like owning, abusing, and exploiting and benefitting from having you, you see I HAD to do it” and the girls respond “I totally understand I mean you’re a person too and you must hurt your hand when you were beating me senseless so I’M the one who should really apologise” and now there’s equality. Ummmmm is the author a FUCKING idiot this isn’t just a rAnDOm unrealistic fantasy world where misogyny exists only in, you can’t set as an example that you should forgive your rapists, abusers, suppressors when in the real world millions of women are being fucked over by the daily by men. The whole idea that “””””society””””” pressured men into doing this when they didn’t want to is bullshit because you never had to play the game. You never had to abuse women to force them into the game to have an ‘owner’. Because one abuser is better than 10. It’s crazy because they definitely had the ability to prevent any abuse or assault from ever occurring again but instead they use that ability to support a man’s right to his property (the girls). These are conscious decisions many men chose to do. There was NO incentive to the game they did it because they want to objectify and hurt women. Fuck this. The couple was cute the straight ppl were not. I wanted some fluffy harem GL instead I got this bullshit a major waste of time and energy. Omg I can’t fucking believe that in the end they tried to make a GIRL the fucking villain. Child abuse we love it don’t we because you never know what’s going on in the parents life

    Ksrafjjkn January 14, 2021 9:35 am

    Dude firstly, this is obviously a "unrealistic fiction"like you said . Also "child abuse" check the legal age of consent in japan. "They tried to make a GIRL a villain" what is your point? Im pretty sure the ppl seejng this arent some fucking 5 year olds that they cant understand that this is purely made for character development and shit. Basically what im saying is that its a manga in which everything is okay bcuz of rules of the school, in the end everyone got what they wanted, and also they werent affected by the violence and stuff , and got over it as for what i could see and the schools rules changed . If you dont like it move on , no one gives a fuck if you're wasting your time or not

    Lectora March 7, 2021 6:23 pm
    Dude firstly, this is obviously a "unrealistic fiction"like you said . Also "child abuse" check the legal age of consent in japan. "They tried to make a GIRL a villain" what is your point? Im pretty sure the pp... Ksrafjjkn

    I don't think that was the point they tried to make. It's pretty puch trying to normalize the things stated above not to mention this is mainly targeted at young people so of course they are gonna have a problem with it and if there's a problem even if it's fictional it's normal to call it out cuz else's it's let without consequences and no reciprocation so pls refrain from being so rude when your the only one that has a problem when criticize the manga its your opinion and it's their opinion so stop

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