Some may have been very infuriated with the Emperor. I, too, reached the point where I wanted to strangle just so they could communicate properly. However, the era and setting clearly state that human rights ain't the priority nor the meritorious deeds. FOR ME, RAEL WASN'T POORLY WRITTEN! JUST BECAUSE HE MARRIED THE SEEMINGLY "PSYCHOTIC" EMPEROR, IT DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT HE'S TOO NAIVE. He did rebel against the Emperor and didn't tolerate his unscrupulous deeds. Of course, the Emperor has to atone for his crimes/sins but this is the fixed plot SO LET THEIR OWN VERSE FLOW IN OUR IMAGINATION AND LET THINGS GO ACCORDINGLY. I will still give this story a 4.5 star despite the negative feedback. I PERSONALLY liked it and this is just my opinion. Btw, I loved the three servants lol. They are so hilarious.
I knew he would say something like this and I didn't expect anything great from him but this still hurts. DON'T HURT MY BABYYYY. He had suffered enough, don't make him suffer more you shitty seme.
I almost cried, but I knew he was gonna do this but it hurts so much