the quality of everything (translations, artstyle) dramatically went down in season 2. translations were super inconsistent with their names being translated to english words and the change from english names to korean ones that always changed (thank you to those who put effort to translating it though)
artstyle looks completely different, the characters don't have that same flair, and the ending was confusing. ending was sad but didn't make sense, and there was no explanation, clarification or comfort, season 2 was absolute dumpster fire of a mess - the whole concept with the ML was icky too, you'll if when you read it.
season 1 was good though, nice cute moments and no bad troupes but the ending again wasn't so happy (though if you'd like to still read it, i'd say stop when you finish season 1)
I’m enjoying the manga dynamics and the couple is adorable, but the passing rape comments, incest and ML’s sexuality being super confusing. Like all these things throw me off, and to clarify on ML’s sexuality, he says he’s ‘not gay’ but he’s literally dating a man. He’s ‘not into men’ but aki is special. Oh and then the weird representation they have with gay men with that one ‘rival’ making him super weird… and then drawing highschoolers have sex
It’s too much even the troupe and the couple dynamics can’t make me continue
Is a Japanese thing, I read that they still have a negative view on full homosexuality deep down even among fans of BL/Yuri
Like, they can't be explicity gay, they need to have this rundabout/similar to demisexuality view of falling in love with someone regardless of gender, but at the same type straight up deny being gay.
Like this people can read this and still be shocked or against the existence of LGBT+ stuff in real life, very complicated.