I am not a love triangle enjoyer in general but to be fair, this wasn't a love triangle story. I never felt like it was a 'will it be Mujin or Do-gyeom" because it was going to be Do-gyeom every time and I kind of like that that was the point. I think the author accomplished exactly what they set out to do with the story and achieved the very rare "I like the secondary love interest but I'm super happy with the main couple". Here's to manifesting Mujin a happy ending too if/when his story is continued!

I'm still a little skeptic of this, but I'm probably the minority who is hoping for it to be a very fluffy story. I'm a weak man who enjoys a good heart warming story of people supporting one another, and not to say that cannot be in an S&M story, but more often than not people don't acknowledge after care and such. The art is mad cute, though, and I quite like the dynamics of it so far! Fingers crossed for my small bean heart!
princeofpeas was so real for that i too would log out and uninstall after that LMAO