punkpastelz✨ answered question about empty thoughts
just got shouted by my driving instructor.. i know it's my fault but he doesn't need to shout right beside my ear barely hold back my tears cuz i don't wanna look pathetic in front of him.. fuck driving school tbh
punkpastelz✨ answered question about swimming
punkpastelz✨ followed question about question

I used to follow them on twitter but i lost my acc and i forgot their @ but theyre a smutt artist in twitter that drew unsual things or people in a gay smut way?? TT they’ve drawn different insects as gay guys and also water and fire aswell. I miss it lowkey. Pls help me find them

11 days
punkpastelz✨ created a topic of Meteor Orbit

if this doesn't end with poly I'm gonna riot

punkpastelz✨ created a topic of Regas

does this have happy end or not? like did any of the mc died?

now that I've seen the dress no wonder Callisto said that ancient necklace is horrendous it ruined the vibe of her perfect dress

punkpastelz✨ created a topic of Willow love story

got me thinking there's gonna be pregnancies.. so disappointed that's the end of it


literally adore this author and their works

punkpastelz✨ asked a question

arranged marriage bl pls.. thank you

now that this is completed I can finally read in peaceeeee

punkpastelz✨ followed question about i think i like women


02 06,2024
punkpastelz✨ created a topic of Jingai-san no Yome

fuwai is pink?? i always had this image that they're blue fuwai as a ham is finally making sense to me

I'll let this marinate and wait for better translation

I'll let this marinate and wait for better chapter

punkpastelz✨ created a topic of Dear My Killer Tune

thank you for the hugee updates

I kept refreshing bcs i thought my internet was shit
punkpastelz✨ created a topic of Dear My Killer Tune

SOOOOOOO GOOD but like all the chapter ends feel like they're cut half way??


i want to see small human being lovey dovey with blue hair god.. not the black hair