I know that this is from ancient times, but why do people think that having a daughter means the end of a bloodline? Is it bc they couldn't keep their names? Like, they share the same damn blood
if u r talking about ancient times I think its cuz the son is the man of the family when they grow up. and when the daughter gets married im pretty sure they had to change their last name to their husbands family last name, and usually their kids last name would be the same as the husband's/father but thats what I think at least
You're right abt the family name. Son could pass the family name to his children while daughter hv to change their family name following their husband's. The 'end of bloodline' thing is common for ppl with family name like Chinese and Britain's ppl as their ancestor used to really seek for family's glory rather than individuality. But I don't think a lot of ppl care abt that nowadays. Mybe just some minorities
Although there were aspects or romance and such, i like that it didn't focus on that. Instead, the author chose to focus on Yoohan and his story. His struggle to overcome his guilt and atone for his sins. I feel like they wrote it so well, not jumping into romance or him depending solely on Jay. Instead it was Yoohan working hard with Jay to find himself and get revenge.
The way it was written seemed very thorough imo. And the ending where the two are together but not extremely close also fits bc Yoohan is just barely overcoming his darkness and starting to depend on Jay. If he was madly in love it would have seemed rushed and ooc for Yoohan. Hopefully in the spin-off we'll get to see more of them being happy together and Yoohan's mentality will improve.
There was actual plot instead of full on smut and drama, which is a breath of fresh air. It also really makes me want to cherish my family and be a good person bc karma is a real thing.