Translator don't mind these fools complaining about your hard work, you a bad bitch who don't need their approval, I've seen people drop a series because of hate and im so glad your not dropping this webtoon, this sight doesn't deserve people like you, best of luck to you and stay healthy and safe Queen <3

Hey, you there lovely person.Thank you soOoo much for uploading. I do not mind memes, some are funny and some are reactions as to how I react. Dear, Remember to not care about criticism for your work or self. Learn to not take it serious, be strong and just do this what people tell you to make you feel bad just listen and throw it out of your mind. Take your self as your TOP PRIORITY.

Hello there! Just to make sure we’re on the same page before I start, I am not here to blame you, insult you, hurt you, or anything of the sort. I merely thought that this was something worth pointing out as I wasn’t sure whether you noticed it yourself or not. Also, I would send this by DM instead of posting on your public wall, but for some reason, I can't send DMs as my account is new.
I was reading over the comment section of Charming and the Beast which you are translating, and I noticed some people were making comments about the chapters you uploaded. While some people might have been rude, others were merely providing suggestions. There is a specific thread that’s been going around recently, but it seems most people have not read it properly. Harsh as it may have been, there seems to be no hate in what the original commenter said, though it brought a lot of hate towards them and others regardless. Some comments were even telling the “haters” to go die or that the commenters would go harm or kill them. I get that some of them are mad, but telling someone to kill themselves is much too extreme. Cursing at others and their loved ones and sending death threats is not ok under any circumstance. In fact, death threats are a serious crime in many jurisdictions. There is a human being with emotions behind every comment, and that includes those who make negative remarks. While you have not said anything of the sort yourself, not saying anything can be equally as damaging.
All this to say, please be mindful of how you address certain situations next time. You may not have meant any harm, but your notice has brought a ton of unnecessary hate to people who merely pointed something out. Most comments didn’t say anything about you specifically, only suggesting you do something about the translator notes from what I noticed. It happens to everyone, there will always be criticism brought even to the most perfect of scanlators. While some people might have complained about your translation, it is up to you whether to ignore or address those comments. If you plan on continuing translating, consider whether these comments are worth paying attention to or not. If yes, then do something about it; maybe change a detail you think needs a bit more work, or look into how to improve an area you think yourself to be lacking in. If not, then disregard it and keep doing what you were before. Complaining about it to all the readers in a notice brought this situation way out of proportion.
By pointing this out, I ultimately hope you can do something about this. Many of the commenters who addressed the so-called “haters” in your support believed that they were in the right when making those aggressive and inappropriate remarks. Since they seem to listen to you and take into consideration what you say more than anyone else at the moment, I hope you could let them know, even in a small notice at the end of a chapter, that their behaviour is NOT ok, neither online nor in person. Hurtful comments are exactly that - hurtful and unnecessary. Standing up for what you believe in is fine, but their actions went too far. As the person who, unintentionally, instigated them, I hope you can do something about this situation.
Once again, I do not want to come across as if I’m blaming you or being mean. I just hope that, by letting you know of the issue, you could include a few words at the end of a chapter addressing this problem to make the situation a little better. Even now, days after you have mentioned you would continue the series, people are still commenting ill-spirited words. It doesn’t need to be anything long or overly complicated - just think of it as you would do your translator notes and memes and let it come naturally. This is just a suggestion since some comments went way too far and I know you are someone who they would listen to.

yea i'll let them know they shouldn't be telling people to kill themselves, but lmao i came across rude? well i don't know what to say since i'm not going to apologize for my notice, but yes some of the commenters did take it too far with the threats but i'm not changing the way i do things to please those on a free website that uploads free manga.

Oui oui if we do not have anything positive or good to say to a person who spends their precious time in translating and sharing the love lets just hold the urge to comment please thanks. should know better. I know your intentions are good but again kindly just hold back. Lets not add to toxicity. No one is held accountable but the commenters themselves.
“Before i start..” felt like needed to be heard?hmm..right..anyway
More power and lots of love thank you for translating this we appreciate it

As everyone has already told you not to listen to those fuckers opinions so I won't repeat that bcz I think you're smart enough to ignore them. Instead I would that say you're doing an amazing job so keep it up. No matter what others say...all that matter is that we know how hard you're trying to translate this manga for us. So we're really thankful for that. Plus I don't know if I'm early or late...Still HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR

94 chapters in and i'm just bored out of my mind. i tried sucking it up to see if the story got better but it didn't. that's just my opinion tho so give it a shot ya'll(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Honestly, not every series is for everyone. I'm enjoying it but many won't. Hope you find a series you like :D