hi scanlators, i translate japanese and what shuu said was:
hawks no yurai
ojiisan ga ソXトバXク no ファン (fan) dakara
i intuitively guessed that ソXトバXク = ソフトバンク = softbank
Hawks' origin is softbank...ok.... so i looked up hawks softbank and found the Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks Baseball team
so shuus grandpa named his dog after the baseball team. a hint that a passion for baseball runs in his family
hope this helps, any questions let me know

ive just read this manga at a time in my life where i really need it. lately ive been struggling with expressing myself, and what it means to be a woman. i want to dress up and look cute, wear makeup more, and get better at cooking. the idea feels so liberating.
one thing thats held me back is...who am i doing that for? lots of media shows me that women do those things for men, right? and i like men, so i must be doing it for them, right? i have these questions and whilst i know in my heart that i dont want to do these things for men, i havent really seen anybody say that its OK for me to do these things because i like them.
so i thought i was lying to myself for wanting to do traditionally feminine things for my own enjoyment. when, actually, fashion and self presentation and cooking are simply human things. they can be sources of joy. this manga has told me that its okay to do things because i like them, forget gender.

ash: im not a fan of the colour red
lyle: oh...
lyle thoughts: huh? how did i not realise? but i wear red sometimes...does ash hate it when i wear red? will he hate me if i keep on wearing it despite what he said?
(4 brooding chaps later...)
ash: so in my work i tend to design with blue-based tones in mind
lyle thoughts: so will he hate me if i keep on wearing red or not? ive misunderstood all along. ash wants somebody who agrees with his tastes and im not able to do that...
(this leads to lyle asking for a break in the relationship so he can take time to work it out. without asking ash though because he cant know that he wears red)
lyle: im sorry ash...i cant make you happy...
lyle thoughts: i cant give up the red handkerchief from my grandma...she means so much to me
ash: i see...but i can make you happy
lyle: but i cant make you happy because...i...
(runs away)
(2 brooding chapters later)
(lyle is gripping the red handkerchief whilst crying in his bros house)
ash: *panting* lyle...where did you go? tell me whats wrong
lyle: ash...i...
(handkerchief drops to floor)
lyle: its red ash. im so sorry...*sobs*
ash: if its yours, i love it. why is being red a bad thing?
lyle thoughts: because you said you dont like it
lyle: because it shows how im unworthy of you...
ash: i dont know whats going on but youre beyond worthy of me, lyle. im the one shooting out of my league for an amazing guy like you
lyle: but...
ash: let me show you what "red" means to me when it comes from you
(they go home and do the bow chicka wow wow and ash bites lyle which draws blood)
ash: even your blood is sexy lyle. a deep sexy red
lyle thoughts: hes just placating me...but...
lyle: thank you...
(lyle tries to put it behind him but nevertheless broods for 5 more chaps until ash comes in wearing red tie one day)
lyle: ash! i...i thought you didn't like the colour red
ash: yeah, im not a fan, but this was a gift *smiles*
lyle thoughts: a gift...from who? who could ash be so close to as to wear the colour he despises with no issues?
(lyle wells up in tears)
ash: whats wrong lyle? i hope those are tears of joy. i finally found the tie you gave me as a gift. i thought i lost it and i was so embarrassed. i couldnt tell you. im sorry if you noticed and thought i wasnt wearing it because i didnt like it. i love it. i love you.
lyle: but its red...
ash: yep, you have a good eye for colour
lyle thoughts: but you said you hated red...
lyle: but...
ash: whats up? *strokes lyles face*
lyle: i dont know anything about you. i got it all wrong
ash: huh? what are you saying?
lyle: you said you hated the colour red!!! *sobs*
ash: i dont remember saying that...a designer excluding colour is like throwing a precious tool away
lyle: but--
ash: but i have to admit my weakness is working with red. blues are my safe zone. yet you gave me this tie and it suits my colouring perfectly. im thrilled, thank you so much
lyle: oh...
(bow chicka wow wow commences)

what i am trying to say with this is:
plz let lyle reflect and learn author nim...or else even stupid things will end up being huge stories that are draining to read...like this......
surely by now he knows that he can say out loud some of what and how he perceives the world...how else will he be able to communicate and understand others over the voice in his head?!

hi i was the translator for chapter 3-11 but my partner quit around the time of ch.3.
heres the link to my translations https://rasher-translations.tumblr.com/post/190024821624/scripts-sayonara-otokonoko-by-shimura-takako
i have no intention to continue the series, but if youd like to use my translations for scanlation: you can as long as you credit rasher with a link to my tumblr :p
now THIS is classic BL, man! just two guys falling in love and learning things about themselves on the way.