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TheNim June 22, 2018 1:58 pm

Should this be sexy? Should the Chinese guy be sexy? I don't get it.
Torturing somebody is called BDSM just because you're both dressed in "provocative" outfits? I don't get it.

I'm not even enjoying this anymore, I keep reading because I want to finish it but this last chapters are seriously testing my patience.

    youraedthiswrogn June 22, 2018 6:40 pm

    This^. Thank you. Siwon literally just said he doesn't like it and that it hurts until he literally passed out from the pain, that isn't BDSM... That's the kind of shit normies imagine BDSM is that gives it a bad reputation... I don't get the feeling the portrayal was accidental though, i get the feeling the scene was done that way to show us what the situation really is.

TheNim April 28, 2018 8:02 am

Can you really be so freaking stupid you not only follow but *drink* with someone you don't trust and already know to be a damned psycho?

This guy will be the death of me. Come on writer!

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