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Standingontoilet February 15, 2024 5:27 pm

but this story is so bad I will. This story is so bad it’s giving second hand embarrassment

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 15, 2024 7:46 pm

    Then stop reading jt

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 15, 2024 7:46 pm


    Bunny.slop February 15, 2024 8:20 pm
    Then stop reading jt Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    Or let people voice their opinions of something they read? I come here to see what people say to see if its even worth a fucking read. alot of people do thats kinda why the reply's under here where made bro.

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 15, 2024 8:25 pm
    Or let people voice their opinions of something they read? I come here to see what people say to see if its even worth a fucking read. alot of people do thats kinda why the reply's under here where made bro. Bunny.slop

    It's silly to read something you clearly don't enjoy. Just making yourself unhappy by PURPOSELY reading a manhwa you hate. Voice whatever but it makes you look dumb asf btw

    Charmed February 15, 2024 8:41 pm
    It's silly to read something you clearly don't enjoy. Just making yourself unhappy by PURPOSELY reading a manhwa you hate. Voice whatever but it makes you look dumb asf btw Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    Yall wanna live in an echo chamber soooo bad. Let people not enjoy shit and stfu damn. You commenting under every damn post saying they dont like this manhwa

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 15, 2024 8:47 pm
    Yall wanna live in an echo chamber soooo bad. Let people not enjoy shit and stfu damn. You commenting under every damn post saying they dont like this manhwa Charmed

    Say whatever. Just know it makes you look embarrassing and bitter asf

    Charmed February 15, 2024 8:49 pm
    Say whatever. Just know it makes you look embarrassing and bitter asf Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    And the same goes to you.

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 15, 2024 9:03 pm
    And the same goes to you. Charmed

    Nope I enjoy this story bbygirl but I know you ain't

    Charmed February 15, 2024 9:18 pm
    Nope I enjoy this story bbygirl but I know you ain't Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    Congrats. You want a cookie? And I actually like this story but I respect people who don’t cause theres a LOT of stuff to not like about this story. But anyways

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 15, 2024 9:23 pm
    Congrats. You want a cookie? And I actually like this story but I respect people who don’t cause theres a LOT of stuff to not like about this story. But anyways Charmed

    Sure why not. I like cookies. You can respect people's opinions but supporting HATE COMMENTS is mind blowing LMAOO. This is a whole hate comment talking shit about the manhwa..

    Charmed February 15, 2024 9:28 pm
    Sure why not. I like cookies. You can respect people's opinions but supporting HATE COMMENTS is mind blowing LMAOO. This is a whole hate comment talking shit about the manhwa.. Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    I dont care. Have a blessed day

    Charmed February 15, 2024 9:30 pm
    Sure why not. I like cookies. You can respect people's opinions but supporting HATE COMMENTS is mind blowing LMAOO. This is a whole hate comment talking shit about the manhwa.. Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    And them saying this story is bad is literally THEIR OPINION. Sooooo what you’re really saying is only support opinions that are positive and that you agree with.

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 15, 2024 9:45 pm
    And them saying this story is bad is literally THEIR OPINION. Sooooo what you’re really saying is only support opinions that are positive and that you agree with. Charmed

    Them calling the story bad and embarrassing is literally HATING on the manhwa. That's judging someone's hard work you can't even do a better job on. It's hate and negative. Clearly you don't know the difference between having an opinion in a respectful way then just straight up hating like most of these ppl

    Charmed February 15, 2024 9:53 pm
    Them calling the story bad and embarrassing is literally HATING on the manhwa. That's judging someone's hard work you can't even do a better job on. It's hate and negative. Clearly you don't know the difference... Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    Have you written manhwa before?? No! I hate when people use that dumb ass argument like that means something. Cause last time I checked you cant and haven’t written a manwha either, so what makes you more valid than them? Because you’re being “positive”? And maybe, just maybe, this person isn’t hating they just dont like the story like they said. There isnt shit to hate on. They aren’t shitting on this story cause it’s actually good. They genuinely dont like it. AND THATS FINE.

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ February 15, 2024 9:55 pm
    Have you written manhwa before?? No! I hate when people use that dumb ass argument like that means something. Cause last time I checked you cant and haven’t written a manwha either, so what makes you more val... Charmed

    Ok clearly you don't know what hating and negativity is so I'm not explaining anymore

    Charmed February 15, 2024 9:59 pm
    Ok clearly you don't know what hating and negativity is so I'm not explaining anymore Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    Thank you. Im tired of this brain dead conversation. Stop jumping on people’s back for not enjoying this manwha. They arent obligated to like it.

    Bunny.slop February 16, 2024 10:19 am
    It's silly to read something you clearly don't enjoy. Just making yourself unhappy by PURPOSELY reading a manhwa you hate. Voice whatever but it makes you look dumb asf btw Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    I didn't read it because of its negative reception in the comments dumbass thats what i just fucking said. That's why people check the fucking comments and reviews?!? Also i like how you are implying people should know they won't like a story before reading it like a fucking psychic, And no, not every negative opinion or REVIEW is hate. Criticizing bad writing or pacing isn't hate, it's just criticism. Your assumption that everything is hate is annoying let people leave reviews and voice their opinions on shit god.

    Bunny.slop February 16, 2024 10:20 am
    Thank you. Im tired of this brain dead conversation. Stop jumping on people’s back for not enjoying this manwha. They arent obligated to like it. Charmed

    Ate DOWN

    Charmed February 16, 2024 12:09 pm
    I didn't read it because of its negative reception in the comments dumbass thats what i just fucking said. That's why people check the fucking comments and reviews?!? Also i like how you are implying people sh... Bunny.slop


    Standingontoilet February 16, 2024 4:33 pm
    It's silly to read something you clearly don't enjoy. Just making yourself unhappy by PURPOSELY reading a manhwa you hate. Voice whatever but it makes you look dumb asf btw Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    you are assuming i hated the act of reading and wondering where a plot line in a weekly series l, which I don’t. I do however think this story was bad, and that you are a loser I’m sorry that your simple brain DID like the stupid plot, but stupid peope often like stupid things. Have a nice day ugly

    Standingontoilet February 16, 2024 4:37 pm
    Then stop reading jt Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    imagine getting basically ratio’d on mango

    Bunny.slop February 16, 2024 8:42 pm
    imagine getting basically ratio’d on mango Standingontoilet


Standingontoilet January 26, 2024 7:36 am

we’re so tired

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