1) small minded for projecting your concept of what an 'adult' and 'teen' looks like as if there's a cookie cutter mold for physical appearance that everyone neatly fits into in order to be classified as one or the other, 2) even more small minded for getting caught up in age (the numbers) as a tool for measuring "appropriateness" when in reality, the weight of age and age gap dramatically shifts into a heavy gray area after compulsory education is completed, and 3) ridiculous for using the King's future romantic interest in Nina (future as in a time when they will BOTH BE OLDER) as way to bash on him and the direction of the story, when at present, the guy HASN'T INDICATED HE'S CONSCIOUSLY INTERESTED IN HER IN THAT WAY OR FUCKING DONE ANYTHING TO HER TO WARRANT SUCH A GOD DAMN SHIT FEST ON HIM.
On point 1): It's like some of y'all have never seen/met people who look older or younger for their age, and instead you're projecting your expectations of what an 'adult' and a 'grown up' look like to find something problematic to whine about. Just. No. Find something better to do.
2): For the love of heck, the age difference isn't that bad between Nina and the King. They're what, about 4 years apart? By US standards (because I *know* the ones bitching are mostly Westerners) their ages in this current point of the story make Nina a junior in high school and the King a junior in college.
That's NOTHING compared to the REAL LIFE age differences between Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively (11 years) or Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra ( also 11), or the King and Queen of Bhutan (10 years and they have a cute as fuck story of how they got together. Apparently she confessed to him when she was 7 that she wanted to marry him, and he made her this promise that if they met again in the future and were both single and in love with each other, they'd get married. How fucking cute is that)
And 3): You're all acting like some raunchy shit's going to happen RIGHT NOW when the King just finds her interesting and has no romantic motives towards her at this time.
Literally NO ONE is forcing you to read this, so just stop, drop, and roll away.
2021-01-29 06:18 marked
2020-09-12 00:50 marked
To the complainers of age and the future relationship of Nina and the King....