Ughh well i am blaming the guys from the chruch that killed her cause they were planning it from the very begging but- THAT FCKING BISH THE ONE WHO TOLD SHULI THAT SHE CANT ATTEND THE WEDDING UGHHH THAT BISHHH I HATE U
I swear to god this is so fcking awesome i love the pot on it bruh im supporting this thx for the update i totally love it i really would give the author a high praise on this one keep it up
K already read it a couple times but i still cant get over with this the art is good the boys are handsome haha .....I LOVE THIS....THX FOR THE UPDATE HOPE TO SEE MORE!!
Ughh well i am blaming the guys from the chruch that killed her cause they were planning it from the very begging but- THAT FCKING BISH THE ONE WHO TOLD SHULI THAT SHE CANT ATTEND THE WEDDING UGHHH THAT BISHHH I HATE U
I hope they dont marry or it'll just be disappointing :/