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seokii November 30, 2023 9:57 am

Cha = tea
Cha = car

    strawberry milk November 30, 2023 10:24 am


    lash November 30, 2023 2:42 pm


    Jins_Food December 2, 2023 12:59 am

    Its just car with some accent xD

seokii July 24, 2021 4:30 am

As villains, if they kept their evil attitudes, they’ll end up dying to the hero, and that’s what she’s afraid of the most. what’s with everyone just backing the husband and son??? What about her? She’s landed in a family of sadistic people, she managed to survive so far because she thinks she managed to change fate but turns out it dont be that way.

If this was another webtoon where the girl turned out to be psychotic and the guy being shocked, bet y’all wouldve begged the guy to run away instead.

    LunarLily July 24, 2021 4:59 am

    You also need to thunk that the world she was in now was not just merely a light novel, although she didn’t ask for it this is now her world and like ours people are unpredictable emotions and even personality change overtime depending on how you will act/treat towards them, She Definitely know their sadistic natures and i adore how she gave them love that they never feel before she already changed her fate on dying by being killed by ein the moment she treat and take care pf him with so much love. But that doesn’t completely rewrite how a person will be both Cassius and Ein are also responsible in the household affairs aside from their Violent Nature that they were taught of and always knew they grew accustomed and familiar with that. History of their household run deep in their violent nature you can’t just wish wash it and suddenly they’ll be good and forgiving and nice. That’s what Roselia failed to realize, the fact that she failed to see it just means that she was still in her own delusion that you can easily change a person just coz you treat them well

    LaNansha July 24, 2021 6:21 am

    She’s landed in a family of assassins is where she landed. I’m just having a hard time believing that the novel she read didn’t make it clear that they were so strong with zero weaknesses because they trained themselves as deadly assassins who could never be exploited by anyone.

    seokii July 24, 2021 8:21 am
    You also need to thunk that the world she was in now was not just merely a light novel, although she didn’t ask for it this is now her world and like ours people are unpredictable emotions and even personalit... LunarLily

    I accept your opinion, I also understand that it was naive of her to totally just ignore their original nature since it’s been highly stressed in the novel that they’re sadistic by nature.

    I’m more annoyed that everyone is calling her out for not accepting them straight away. Like, give it a few chapters, for her to swallow that this is what she’s going to live with. Even if she knew about it subconciously, the whole time, it doesnt mean she needs to accept it RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT or in just 2 freaking chapters. Let the FL breathe, because imagine seeing her 2 favourite men just bloodily torturing people, that she doesnt even know are her assassins because they kept everything hidden from her!

    The ML and his son is ALSO AT FAULT! They kept everything hidden from her, thinking she’s so precious but the FL is always ready to listen and learn! She’s always willing to accept them, and she’s not as dumb as they think she is, which seems like a lot of readers fail to understand as well. Being dropped a bomb like this, OBVIOUSLY she’d be shocked and having a hard time to swallow what happened.

    seokii July 24, 2021 8:24 am
    She’s landed in a family of assassins is where she landed. I’m just having a hard time believing that the novel she read didn’t make it clear that they were so strong with zero weaknesses because they tra... LaNansha

    I can’t blame her for being like this if these two men hid EVERYTHING from her for months. They kept anything bloody under wraps, obviously she’d just think they’re doing fine and ‘changed’.

    LunarLily July 24, 2021 9:04 am
    I accept your opinion, I also understand that it was naive of her to totally just ignore their original nature since it’s been highly stressed in the novel that they’re sadistic by nature. I’m more annoye... seokii

    Well i agree with you in terms on how some readers treat the FL since its still only 2 chapters we can’t really know how long she will distance herself with those two, but the fact still stands that she already has some knowledge about them being that violent ( the first fee chapters where she sees some bag of corpses being escorted out in that household with the duke and those infos about them in the novel that she read) so supposedly it won’t be really that shocking to her too the point that she will look at the both of them with so much horror and fear in her face, Ein and his father both experienced being treated harshly at such a young age with no one really genuinely worrying for them, it’s the first time they experienced a genuine love from a person. And the fact that both the father and son are hiding those terrible and horrifying things/actions to her we can say that they’re really sacred and feared that they will not be accepted by that person again that fear of being abandoned by that person you really cared for feels the worse and i kind of understand that feeling so its was not their fault for hiding it in fact if Roselia was really that accepting on their true nature like you said so then i say this to you, she has every opportunity to be upfront to them about that matter she has all the necessary informations already since she read the novel but instead she just deluded herself and focus only on good things she wants to see on them, if she was truly going to accept those violent nature that ties with their households reputations then why not paved a way for the 3 of them to talk about it and understand each other??? (Im sorry I’m really not hating her afterall she’s the reason why Ein and Cassius are able to experience having a real family it’s just that I’ve been waiting this whole time on how she will bring out those two violent nature without making it worse, but its seems too me she’s just content on only the good things that she see’s in Ein )

    seokii July 24, 2021 9:23 am
    Well i agree with you in terms on how some readers treat the FL since its still only 2 chapters we can’t really know how long she will distance herself with those two, but the fact still stands that she alrea... LunarLily

    I guess we can agree to disagree.

    My point of view is that I find it reasonable that she deluded herself into thinking everything was a-okay since anything would be better than thinking you’re still in an ‘evil’ family. We can’t always expect the FL (of any webtoon) to have the steadfast thinking of a reader, like us, who can see everything in a third person point of view. She’s a weak and imperfect FL, to which I don’t mind because that is her character setting. She wasn’t ever meant to be a strong FL from the start. I can also empathise with the men’s past, it’s probably the reason why they’re handling her in such a clumsy way.

    Again, my point is that I’m frustrated that everyone expected her to be a very ‘reasonable’ and ‘smart’ FL. She’s always been wishy-washy, weak (can’t even handle the duties as the duchess), and quite air-headed. If an FL had these qualities, they’re deemed as ‘bad’ characters. But if an ML had these features, they’re deemed as cute and naive. People would support the ML with whatever decision he’s about to make, but if a FL makes a wrong decision it’s “GONNA GET THESE HANDS” type of comments.

    Well, it’s something I don’t think we can reach a consensus since it’s a matter of preference.

    LaNansha July 24, 2021 12:10 pm
    I can’t blame her for being like this if these two men hid EVERYTHING from her for months. They kept anything bloody under wraps, obviously she’d just think they’re doing fine and ‘changed’. seokii

    She also chose to ignore things that were right before her eyes by brushing it off as if she knew better simply because she read the novel. That, and she continuously basically lied to herself by being blind to her reality.

    The first time she saw her husband, he had a servant carrying a bloody body bag. He then one day decides to make an effort toward being a family, so she just assumes that there’s a correlation between that and the fact that he’s someone who disposes of people? No, she didn’t think of that at all. She just thought he was kinder and that this would be good for Ein, but she never actually dug deep because it wasn’t an eventuality that she was willing to consider.

    Her husband told her more than once that Ein wasn’t as innocent as she seemed to believe. Refused to call him an angel when she said he was. Her thinking? He doesn’t know his own son. She even went ahead and told the King that Ein was innocent and sociable. The man burst out laughing and said something like they should keep her around since she’s got jokes. She brushed that off too. There were multiple hints that she just ignored because it didn’t fit her own narrative.

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