Can anyone who has read the raws explain the ending to me please. Thanks daddy

I don't understand korean so i'll just break down the details after ML rushes to see MC amidst a traffic incident (Ch80)
1. Both are drenched in the rain so they went to ML's house to bathe and warm up.
2. ML dries MC's hair then MC's emotions/thoughts bursts out
3. MC cries, ML shows a pained expression
4. They talk while hugging each other
5. Next scene is MC shooting in the seaside. ML is with him.
6. After the shoot, they walk side by side.
7. ML sneaks in a cheek kiss by using a fake whisper as technique (this is so cute as our ML isn't the romantic type but does romantic stuff coz he wants to show he's serious towards our MC.)
8. Our MC gets shocked and says smth.
9. The panel ends with them walking together beside the sea (bird's eye view perspective)

Jaehyuk carried Yeon-ho and tucks him in to bed. Few hours later Yeon-ho woke up and had a vague flashback of Jaehyuk but he thought he might be dreaming of J again then later on he went off to work
Jae was in his office and saw a news about major car accident that involved the actress and mc he was frozen for a moment then his thoughts went wild he thought his enemy might have targeted mc to take revenge. Jaehyuk stood up rushing while his secretary talked about a meeting(not sure what his secretary said) but he ignored everyone and just wanna get to where Yeon-ho is asap.
Jaehyuk is scared and unstable finding mc in the crowd then he finally saw mc having a phone with someone. MC said he was fine just a minor injury in the head(he hit his head on the stirring wheel or whatever you call that)
Jaehyuk felt relieved but still emotional, they talked, went to the hospital, then to Jeahyuk's place. They had a heart to heart talk MC was venting his anger and pain.. Jae apologizes and finally said he love(like??) mc then yeah they reconciled and started afresh.
Beach scene. mc has a shooting and J came to visit watch him, they talked, walked on the shore away from the cast/staff. Jaehyuk was definitely being sweet to mc lol cute then he playfully kissed mc. Happy ending.
let's waaaaiiiiittt for side stories now
How much longer till next chapter
it updates on the 2nd, 12th and 22nd every month so the next update is on the 12th of this month
Period thank you