Hey so i was wondering if there were any mangas out there like blood bank. see it's amazing and the bdsm shown within the story is for once accurate for what actual bdsm is like, so i was wondering if there are any others out there that show bdsm in the same respectable and accurate light. Please and thankyou xoxo...

Okay, this has been bothering me, so I figured I'd get peoples opinions on it. The new popular yaoi manga "Killing Stalking" is all the rage, and I even read the first 2 or 3 chapters but I couldn't continue it. I felt awkward and nauseous and I wasn't sure why it was like my gut was telling me something was up. I've certainly read manga much worse than that, plus I hadn't even seen much of it to be worried yet. But IDK what it is I just feel scared to continue the manga, is it just me or is anyone else like this? Also is the manga as bad as my intuition is telling me it is or am I just over exaggerating?? What are all your opinions on the manga?

Yeah... it's a really gory and gruesome story, definitely not something that everyone can enjoy. For me, I'm kind of twisted, and find horror/gore stories entertaining so I enjoy the manga myself. But If it makes you feel like that, then you should probably not continue reading. Just because something's popular doesn't mean everyone enjoys it.

I'll be really honest with you. The first few chapters were extreme, that I agree. And I was scared to continue as well. But somehow or other, despite it being scary, I managed to keep reading. It got better really, alot better. And now the latest few chapters....I'm not afraid anymore. In fact, it just made me wanna cry and I ship them more and more. If you feel uncomfortable reading it, no one would blame you. But those were for the beginning chapters. This is just my thoughts, but I really want you to continue reading this. I get the feeling that you will regret if you don't. I'm not forcing you to read it, but I recommend continuing from where you stopped. Just wanna let you know that not the whole manhwa is about gore. In fact, I find Sangwoo to be quite sweet in his own way. He just craves love but as everyone knows, is too psychotic to do things the right way. It's just my views really, everyone is different. If you feel really uncomfortable, then perhaps it would be right for you to stop.

Same. I didn't even want to read it. I personally can watch or read gory or gruesome story but there are some of them I can't watch/read/play because of strange feelings. Another example, I downloaded this game Yandere simulator, when I played the game for the first time I didn't last 10 mins I was feeling weirded to play it. The second time I played it a bit longer after I watched some YouTube play it. That 2nd time I played it was the first time in my life to experience "sick to stomach". The game is just not right for me. So I stop playing it.

Depends on what you mean by "bad". Since Killing Stalking is a thriller and horror story it's intended to give people feelings of apprehension, anticipation, and excitement. It's suppose to scare audiences so that they may not want to continue and yet entice them onwards if they are willing to be disturbed. You're not the only one who will feel this way. The dismal tone/mood of the story effects readers and they might empathize with the protagonists feelings of dread and anxiety, which is completely natural. And if the story doesn't do that then I'd say the author failed at what he/she set out to do. Koogi does a pretty good job on that front. I know it sounds like I'm all praise for Killing Stalking, but if the emotional distress is effecting you that badly, then maybe it's not for you. I, on the other hand, inhale this stuff like smog in a polluted city.

I'm never reading this again... im still crying

love this comic fucked up thew


It's just too much

oh wow


I really liked it(that's maby because im messed up)
.....but if you like horror, gore and yaoi then try it out (=・ω・=)

I personally think I'm way to twisted. The fact that I laugh at parts when people die. Just seeing there face though. I'm not crazy, I swear. But besides that...I really recommend this book. It is really well written and you seem to grow a strong connection to the characters. Not everyone will enjoy this. It may make you feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but I promise you, you wont be bothered by it after a while. You just might want to continue reading it more and more the farther you go!(I pulled an all nighter just to read most of the book) But I'm not saying you have to read it. It's just a suggestion. (=・ω・=)

I was so stressed out reading Killing Stalking i read it the first time ╥﹏╥
I can clearly remember the feeling, i wanted to stop but i couldn't! The curiosity continued to take over of me. I started to think KS was so goooood! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ it was worth it for me so.. It's worth it! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ unless you still don't like even if you read again. If you don't like it or not, we're not complaining considering how it is twisted but it's still so good in my opinion (▰˘◡˘▰)

Killing stalking has so emphasis on me, it is so hard to read but interesting in some ways 9Not in a weird way) I can understand a lot of this stuff.
Killing stalking is the manga that just lures you in it really does.




I hated how stupid bum was and how oh let his past get the better of him

good job :>>>

If you can't handle violence I definitely wouldn't read this. The way each character was written was done beautifully in my opinion, sometimes I didn't know what would happen next. The fact I didn't know what may happen next is what I like in a story, at least most of the time. The actions of each character also seemed pretty accurate, especially considering Sangwoo and Yoonbum seem to have problems with mental health.


When I read the first few chapters, I didn’t enjoy. I just said fuck it and stopped reading. Skip a bit into the future, I can’t get it off my mind. Tried reading it once again and whaddya know? I fucking loved it. It’s definitely not for everyone, it’s gory & full of abuse. I enjoy those types of stories. I think that you should read it! It’s well-written and each chapter will leave you thinking “what’s gonna happen next?”

Boi leave the baby alone

I think this story was well written as well as well illustrated. The author gave the characters flaws and emotions which are believable, which is one of the good points in my mind.
The beginning was not the best, but later on, it got much better. At times I had a bit of confusion, but that was quickly sorted out. If you don't like this kind of horror/psychological manga, it can be less enjoyable, but overall, I liked it.


Very twisted though I enjoyed I can see how people don't like it, it is very twisted and it's not for everyone

not gonna I love it




( ̄∇ ̄ ")

Heyy , i'm looking for a yaoi (like always). All i remember is that the main character was gay and only his bestfriend knew, he also has a crush on his best friend, but the best friend doesn't know. anyway in one scene they kiss because the best friend wants to try it.and eventually they get together. also i think the main character had black hair and the bestfriend had like red or orange hair, thats all i remember sorry, i'd really like it if someone could help me figure out the manga.

Is it Elektel Delusion ? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/elektel_delusion/ . If not you'll like it anyway XD


theres some other details i remember (im not sure why i didn't write them in) the bestfriend asks the main character what type of guys his into, main character says guys with muscles cause the bestfriend has muscles, than they kiss and the bestfriend says he couldn't do it with a guy... also the main character has a lot of posters in his room of a singer or something which the bestfriend later tells him to pull down once they're together.

Okay so i'm looking for a yaoi but don't remember much so here it is. Person A lives in an apartment next to Person B, Person A also goes to the same school/class as Person B. Person B is in an abusive relationship with a guy and person a finds out, anyway i think person b breaks up with him (the abusive guy) and both person a and b become close friends because they are both gay.... thats all i remember though i think one guy was blonde and the other had black hair though i'm not sure. If anyone knows it i'd be very happy because i've been looking for it for days.

So i'm looking for an extra to a manga. its about this guy who's dating the most popular boy at school. the protagonist is really selfish and cancels his date with his popular boyfriend to go hang out with some chics. the next day at school his boyfriend gets angry and slaps the main character than breaks up with him. moving on they make up and have sexy times apparently the main character was just insecure. Also their school pants have checker patterns. please help i desperately want to read it again but have yet to find it.

Hi i'm looking for a yaoi, it was about a guy who always dated older men. they never wanted a serious relationship with him and mainly just used him for sex. then he goes to a flower shop and meets this florist guy (i'm pretty sure he had long hair and was once in a gang) they eventually fall in love and then proceed to have yaoi sex...OH! also he gave him a plant as a present at one point. so if you know what manga it is i'd be eternally grateful and possible name one of my cats after you.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

I've read this a long time ago so I am not sure it fits all the criteria but I think its this one
Hey! i hate sounding pushy but does anyone know if they're gonna fix the problems with the website? I don't know where to go to ask ╥﹏╥ and this is my favourite site to read manga
its a working progress. i dont think the admins would be able to answer you either. all we have to do is wait
that's fair thanks for answering!