Spin-off from Remnant: Kemonohito Omegaverse about the lives of the young children of Daato and Juda...
- Author: Hasumi Hana
- Genres: Fantasy / Supernatural / Yaoi
- Author: Kongdanggeun,Nutella
- Genres: Webtoons / Shoujo / Adaptation / Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Isekai / Romance Webtoons Webtoons Adaptation Drama Fantasy Webtoons Historical Isekai Romance
An Zhe was a mushroom whose life purpose was to bear his own spore.One day, he lost his spore.After ...
- Author: 一十四洲,tba,尉迟金泽
- Genres: Sci-fi / Webtoons / Romance / Shounen Ai
"Hildegar", a witch that receive the blessing of Kariya, the god of the sun. "Erkin," a northern ma...
- Author: muro,muro (kidari studio)
- Genres: Josei / Full Color / Webtoons / Official Colored / Drama / Fantasy / Magic
I thought I was reincarnated as the daughter of a wealthy family, but it turns out I was born as the...
- Author: Solddam
- Genres: Fantasy / Historical / Romance / Webtoons
Tanjiro is the eldest son in a family that has lost its father. Tanjiro visits another town one day ...
- Author: Gotouge Koyoharu
- Genres: Drama / Shounen / Supernatural / Tragedy