What's annoying about Amy now is that her character is fine but she's given this really important role in the recent chapters and that was just not built up well at all. Eruki's emotional rampage was so good and Amy's pales in comparison. It feels really weird to see her outburst because they did not build up any emotional connections beyond, hey we are now acquaintances now.
I was kindof disliking where this was going because it seemed like they were trying to make their relationship all cute, but the drama and toxicity turning up at the end of the season into this next one drew me back in. I'm kinda hoping consequences happen or something more substantial because I think the mentality explored from the 2 leads has been interesting.
I feel like the author just improved like a ton?! First part is really mediocre, but the story, art and panelling was really great near the end. But like these are totally different characters compared to the beginning LOL. The bottom got so manly and the top became bratty cute. However im curious what their next work will be
But the panel where it looks like a horror reaction to the toy just showing up on the floor again is so fucking funny LOL