I honestly feel REALLY BAD for Han Taesan because he is definitely getting graped and looks like no one cares. I'm glad Jun is finally getting over his mediocre crush. I WOUDA CALLED THE COPS ON JUNGWOO ASAP!!! WHO TF DOES HE THINK HE IS?!?! Thank you Go Yohan for beating his sorry ass to a pulp!!!!

So who did the bottom know from before? Evil bro who died or the actual current top?

I think you need to look at the mole under the lips. Thé actual top got it to his left side, but the other one (his big brother) got it on his right side. So thé actual top is the young boy with black hair and mole on left side under lips. and so I think that its really his "big brother" who died.
Why can't the bottom just tell the top what he heard from the "ex" ?!??!?!?!