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Bibidibabidiboo April 11, 2024 1:19 pm

Oh boy the uke really is a doormat

Bibidibabidiboo February 10, 2024 7:44 am

Naur i cant even enjoy the flā€™s success because i just feel so bad for Edmundā€¦..if the story was from his pov it would be so sad cause his entire life was fucking tragic like at the start it was shown how that bitch was strict with him about his behavior just because she wanted him to be a perfect prince and then he had to live in the palace alone with no one when he was a literal CHILD and even then the emperor who he considered his father didnt give him any love yetttttt heā€™s such a sweetheartā€¦.and now after 7 years he suddenly got a brother who automatically gets love from the emperor and is gonna be a crown prince so soon even tho Edmund had been in the palace all along working hardā€¦.and since us readers already know he is not even the emperorā€™s sonā€¦.i am sure the truth will be out in the story soon enough and then the bitch Lizena will surely get punishedā€¦.but what about about Edmund? What about his dreams? Its not his fault his biological father was a sick fuck and his mother was bitchass witchā€¦ā€¦.

Bibidibabidiboo's questions ( All 3 )

Bibidibabidiboo September 10, 2020 7:12 am

The ml and fl were already in a relationship and they were in a vacation to a foreign country? The ml was cheating on the fl with another girl and that bitch followed them to their vacation spot as well and somehow the fl gets lost because of her.The fl waits for the ml but he doesn't come for her.Then after this and that she ends up in the countryside, after that the second ml enters the story.The ml regrets his decision and searches for fl and when he finds her.It was already too late so the fl wants to break up with the ml.But they still end up together at the end near a wishing fountain ?

Bibidibabidiboo September 5, 2020 4:59 pm

I am searching for this manhwa.
The ml was immortal while the FL was cursed and she was slowly dying because of the curse.
Anyways the FL came across the ml while she was going somewhere? And later on she decided to tag along with him. The ml existed from the beginning of the world and he had also adopted a dragon girl but later on left her and he was also friends with the country's first wizard and his sister? later on both of them died but a group of people who followed the sister's way of thinking were searching for the ml and was planning to research on him?
At last the ml died at the edge of the world and the FL became immortal after that and started to write reports about the history
(I only remember a few things so bear with me if I am incorrect about these details)
And also the name of the male lead was really unique

    E H M September 5, 2020 5:28 pm

    ff this coz that sounds great

    Bibidibabidiboo September 6, 2020 1:02 pm
    ff this coz that sounds great E H M

    Bruh no one replied besides you :'(
    I am going nuts searching for this but it seems like god doesn't want me to find this manhwa

    Shay September 6, 2020 2:03 pm

    I fllowed too, using the button.... Maybe you can tell more about the genre so we can search with you ? Did you read it on mangago ?

    Bibidibabidiboo September 6, 2020 4:18 pm
    I fllowed too, using the button.... Maybe you can tell more about the genre so we can search with you ? Did you read it on mangago ? Shay

    Pls do help me search for it ...
    And yes I read it on mangago and it was a completed series.I think the name of the ml and the title were same
    I am not that sure about the genre tho.I think it was historical,fantasy,webtoon??
    There was action in it too but I don't think it was that prominent so action probably wasn't included in the genre

    GlisteningRain September 6, 2020 6:59 pm

    this is a complete shot in the dark but maybe this? -

    this tag might help too! -

    Bibidibabidiboo September 7, 2020 7:13 am
    this is a complete shot in the dark but maybe this? - tag might help too! - GlisteningRain

    omfg finally I found it.
    Thank you so much

    GlisteningRain September 7, 2020 7:19 am
    omfg finally I found it. Thank you so much Bibidibabidiboo

    yay!! im so glad you found it haha (ā–°Ė˜ā—”Ė˜ā–°)

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