I'm literally so pissed like they're the ones that drove the mc out (regardless of the fact the mc wanted to go anyway) and they feel like they still have the right to even talk to her on top of that ask for her help? like its not her problem dude leave her alone. they all want to drag her back to the place they kicked her out of
even after reading this i still don't know why the pigtail girl is like that to ogawa. just genuinely curious cause i get the feeling of literally hating someone even if you dont know why, but to the point of stalking them to find out what to use against them and to kick her out of school? like i get its comedy and everything but still, what does the pigtail girl have against ogawa
I love reincarnation ones and I love this one too, but I sometimes really want to ask like didn't she live til she was a full fledged adult in her past life too? like even if she was abused she still should have matured, so why is her mental age and her physical age literally the same? I get her worrying about how she won't be accepted because she's "a fake" but shouldn't her mental age just be a little bigger?
well she basically locked up without even a bare minimum of ineteractions ofc her mental age is gonna stay like that. even tho i havent been locked up but i was kept as a child and i'm 30 ... but my mental age is quite young. mental health is important to a person's growth also.. plus she was burn to death (its a slow and hella painful death) which caused PTSD... and trust me you dont want PSTD... for me PTSD is hell of earth even tho my youth wasnt as bad ><
I mean, isolation is bad for someone's mental health, and her ,metal age being quiet young(despite her knowledge from books) is expected for this case, she has not had the emotional maturing experiences that would allow her to grow as a person. And, as far as we know, she had not left that shack, had not met anyone else other than that abusive and controlling man who forced her too believe that some of the things he taught her were normal. Meaning she would have had Zero idea how to interact, other than books, and would have no failures or the normal stuff a average child would go through to grow a personality of her own. As she is currently only searching for freedom and doing what she thinks is best so that other people don't get mad at her(along with her childlike mind.) Also, going into a childlike, or innocent, state of mind is quiet common for trauma or PTSD, which she is most definitely experiencing. So, so far, this story is actually pretty accurate to what is would actually be like(also keep in mind that biologically, she is a child and her mind probably can't handle the extra information from when she was older, making her state of mind younger) I mean, there are some things that don't add up but it's pretty good.
Geezus almighty, this turned out longer than I wanted it too.
beautifully put. i like your mind. i have been reading way too much negative stuff about the mc by people that it upsets me lol ... i suffer from mental health myself so i can recognize some stuff from her. and she deffintely has a PTSD from what i see that is. everytime her mental health is triggered she is reliving those horror of moments again. she is a strong mc... if it were me i would even be afraid to stay alive to be honest. i suffer PTSD myself so reliving my trauma has always been part of my life. my mental age is also young
Ah, Thank you! Yeah.....i hoped that this mc wouldnt get a lot of hate but people are people.....oh well. Anyway, I uh, hope that you can live well with your PTSD. I'm obviously not the best at social things.....lol. But yeah, mental age and trauma(or PTSD) can, a lot of the time, be linked together.
my PTSD is much better now ... i dont see the death body of my mom everytime i try to sleep anymore which is really good. i was doing therapy for PTSD but now i'm working on my avoidant personality disorder cuz right now im afraid of everything including going outside lol. to me the mc is mentally really strong like she was burn alive yet she still wanna live and trying to live... for me living just once is enough for me especially after a really painful death
yeah even tho i havent been through death yet i'm still afraid and tired of life itself lol ... sometimes i just think people taking mental health way too lightly... some people dont even take it seriously even tho mental health is quite dangerous. and yes mental health takes a long time to get better and the sad thing is you will never really be 100% cure since anything can be a trigger..the good thing is you learn how to deal with it so when you know what your trigger can be you take more cautions so when it gets trigger it wont be as bad at in the beginning and you will be able to deal with it easier...its kinda like getting hurt .. you can get hurt by anything at anytime.. but with mental health you cant always see who is suffering from it.. usually when you have severe ones people might be able to tell
Yeah, I'm kinda annoyed at people who don't take mental health seriously, it's a thing that is a very big part of living and actually doing stuff with people and living as a functioning human. And it's sad that it can't be healed completely, but I guess it's just something that is, and we can only hope that things will get better(and personally, I believe things will get better)
thanks to everyone who replied. I'm not very knowledgeable on mental health and PTSD and I just personally prefer mangas where the mc is more mature, so all the replies are greatly educational for me. I also want to add that for anyone who's annoyed at me for not taking mental health seriously, I'm not trying to not take it seriously, I'm just curious as to why the author portrayed the mc that way.
the mc could have more than just PTSD tho. but the PTSD is the most obvious one. i have seen even worse comments about the mc. but i just like to put myself in the shoes of the characters i read about ofc there are also characters i cant stand yet trying to understand why they are the way they are. sometimes there are more keep meaning on how the author portray the characters the way they are. plus mental health is kinda complicated since a lot of keypoints could link to different kinds of disorders which is why sometimes its not easy to notice
yeah a lot of people dont know what mental health is all about. some doesnt even care. like they be telling ''oh you are depressed? well i was depressed at times for a day or a few days. so you will be fine'' like dude if that was the case i wouldnt need therapy and be spending money on all those therapy sessions and medications. and the most popular one is ''it's all in your head. so get over it'' like dude ofc its gonna be in my head cuz its a mental health. with mental health words could be heaven and hell depending the words being said. just once sentence can even make people get so triggered and end their lives.
which is why i keep saying the MC is REALLY STRONG even tho a lot of people in the comments kept saying the mc is weak.
the fact that yuuma may have developed feelings for seono just really hurt me... it's just so unfair how he was taken in by his instincts even though all he wanted was to be with hiromi. and it's great he took responsibility, but I just really wonder why they couldn't just have let hiromi lash out. like i get hiromi leaving was the best solution so they wouldn't ruin their relationship or anything. the problem here is their relationship was already ruined the moment yuuma impregnated seono/ mated with seono. plus, don't we always say time heals all wounds? like why couldnt they had convinced hiromi to stay, had him lash out, have them raise the daughter together. this way, even tho hiromi and yuuma couldn't be together anymore, hiromi and seono couldve stayed together till the moment seono died, and hiromi could've found someone new after accepting yuuma couldn't be with him and get over yuuma. it would be a perfect environment for the daughter and even let the daughter know more about her uncle. there would be no regrets (since most likely yuuma did develop feelings) cause it would all be in the past and they would all be with each other like a family.
this bitch is literally a stalker... wtf like i get u like the dood and its sus how he talking abt going to a wedding picture thing, but you dont follow the dude around the whole day and then post abt the shocking discovery you made that was done illegally (︶︿︶)=凸