I feel miserable, dont know what to say.
We dont have werewolves in our lifes but the "bad" and "good" people are all around the world. Even now while I read some stories here, people are suffering because of this cruel system. I am not someone who is angelic or something like that but this story taught me that I should become someone better someone who doesnt think only herself or only the ones she love, someone who can fight for a better future. Even if I get nothing, when I close my eyes I want to know that I tried.
I wish I could but I know I cant change the end of this story so I will start with changing myself.
I hope I can carry this feeling with me so even when I turn to my real life I wont forget what to do.
Perfect timing is a trap bro if you wait for it "the perfect moment" ll never come. So do it NOW!