I think it's all starting to make sense now maybe bc we're getting to the end or i simply forgot over the story over time but the events that happened were all just a repeat of when Cain and Agio were still there. The biblical accuracy of Agia's hate for Vericke even after reincarnation and as much y'all hate Vericke you can start to see that Ken adores him.

See I'm not gonna defend Yahwi nor am I gonna listen y'alls bs unvalid reasons to hate. On g he has a shitty personality and the way he thinks gives me a stroke sometimes but the only thing he has flaunted is his money. Cain still is kinda suspicious but w the hints of his relationship w Jooin in a past life gotta let it slide iykyk but damn i feel like someone gonna commit arson over a character.
I think Osiris put a part of himself in the mirror because whoever looks in the mirror is supposed to show who they truly loved so when he gifts it to Seth he would look in the mirror and would automatically show Osiris as his true love except Nepthys looked into the mirror so it registered her as that person. Anyways ik they probably wanna stay away from Duat but I hope they jump him or smth.
Pretty sure the mirror is meant to manipulate. It replaces your love for someone with another and locks that memory of your prior love in the mirror. Osiris mean for Seth to see the mirror but instead neph did. Hathor wanted to make Horus fall in love with her but for some reasons Horus was able to remain his true self.