I'm glad it ended well, but wtf are these comments yo?? People excusing Jihyun's disgusting behaviour with daddy issues?? Like, no... he deserves to be alone, there isn't a single thing likeable about him, he didn't do a single thing right.. I was baffled when i saw in author notes that the readwrs wanted 'What if Chiwoo forgave him'. Are y'all out of it?? Lmao

The first 10-11 chapters were so frustrating to read. I'm not an agressive person, but Daewon deserved a good punch in the face a couple of times, like, i srsly don't know how he just got spew bullshit and not get a bruise.
After those chapters Daewons homophobia magically dissapears and never becomes mentioned again, or maybe i accidentaly skipped his redemption arc, i dunno.
It's a good comic, you just have to get through the beggining without breaking your phone and you're set!
Skip chapter 5!! If you didn't read it yet skip it! That sht ruined ch 6 for me. I thought it was just a story about an autosexual... it wasn't. The author deadass droped it before the last chapter, I didn't expect that... I must bleach my brain.
I was about to say the same.... that one shot was so fucked up... legit psycho MC LOL
Looking at the comments I’m kind of glad I didn’t read chapter 5 , no more like thankful I didn’t read it LOL
What happened 0_0