sam August 26, 2020 5:30 pm

full transparency i did only read this cause of the silver haired dude like gah dayum

    Trisssu August 27, 2020 1:39 pm


    sam August 27, 2020 2:17 pm
    GORL! SAME Trisssu

    bahahakfhdkfh i saw him on tiktok and was like lemme just

    sam August 27, 2020 2:18 pm
    bahahakfhdkfh i saw him on tiktok and was like lemme just sam

    huh wtf is up w those emojis lol

sam August 26, 2020 1:44 pm

is this who we are?? is this what we represent???

sam August 26, 2020 1:23 pm

every page that i have to see dojins crusty ass nasty ass rapist ass ugly little face is another step i take towards going batshit crazy

sam August 25, 2020 4:42 am

I LOVE THIS AND IM GOING TO LIST ALL OF MY REASONS WHY (in no particular order): it has a lot of different relationships that we’re really refreshing for me who has been in a manhwa/manhua/manga binging craze for the past month for example okjae being a dom and areum being a femboy???? YES PLEASE I F%*KING ATE THAT UP IT MADE ME WANT TO PEG A GUY TOO (and i realize that there’s some deeper flaws within their relationship but just in general i liked their dynamic) and idk i just loved seeing when the girls would take over during seggs and all the guys being sensitive and cute, this manwha was really easy to understand unlike some others i’ve read *cough cough* *h&h roman company* and has a steady plot and complex backstories for all of the characters, the art style was so cute and aesthetic and nice to look at, the conflicts within the story are so understandable and valid like body insecurities and relationship dynamics and the resolutions the characters come up with are just so thought provoking and helpful to me and wise so i know the author is probably really cool, the humor throughout the whole thing was just *chefs kiss* i was cackling the whole time, it made me really want to try some cheesy spicy ricecakes, just the conversations and thoughts and actions of each character seemed so realistic like some manhwas i read and i’m like WHY TF WOULD YOU DO/SAY THAT THATS SO UNNECESSARY or THIS COULD BE SOLVED SO EASILY IF YOU JUST REALIZED/DID THIS but in this i’m like ahhh that was such a good choice i would totally do that too and being able to read something like that was so satisfying u know? anyways i thinks that’s most of it even though i could probably think of more reasons - if you read until here i really appreciate you thanks for listening to me cause i really wanted to talk about how much i loved this w other people

sam August 19, 2020 3:01 pm


sam August 11, 2020 2:27 am

lmaooooo all these comments abt dojin got me cackling but i mean i feel the same way like QUIT LETTING HIM TOUCH YOU AND JUST TELL HIM THAT YOURE DATING TAKER FOR GODS SAKE every time he comes up and hugs him i’m like

sam August 11, 2020 12:04 am

ooooo i just finished the original but i loved it so much i’m glad to read this new one alsooo while they’re changing up stuff in the remastered version why not add in a scene at the end where they remember that they met eachother before four years ago

sam August 10, 2020 9:13 pm

this was so beautifully written, it’s different from mostly all of the other manhwas/manhuas i’ve read in that their thoughts and relationship were so complex - i just feel like the author must be so sophisticated to be able to write like that - the story really made me think and want to fall in love since i never have before. ugh i just want to hug someone also i was really waiting for them to realize they had met before and be like OMG but ig not it’s okay though...

    Kuronuma sawako August 10, 2020 9:21 pm

    Ok now time to read Love or Hate .

    sam August 11, 2020 12:06 am
    Ok now time to read Love or Hate . Kuronuma sawako

    i’m currently reading it dw!! i’m about halfway through i think but i had to take a break cause the whole love triangle just makes me so anxious lmao

    did you sleep w ya teacher? August 11, 2020 5:22 am
    i’m currently reading it dw!! i’m about halfway through i think but i had to take a break cause the whole love triangle just makes me so anxious lmao sam

    love or hate is so toxic lmao

    did you sleep w ya teacher? August 11, 2020 5:22 am
    i’m currently reading it dw!! i’m about halfway through i think but i had to take a break cause the whole love triangle just makes me so anxious lmao sam

    can they just you know do the deed all of them happy, I mean the three of em lol

    Kuronuma sawako August 11, 2020 10:42 am
    can they just you know do the deed all of them happy, I mean the three of em lol did you sleep w ya teacher?

    I mean the first time i don't know who is gonna end up with whom

    sam August 11, 2020 10:45 am
    can they just you know do the deed all of them happy, I mean the three of em lol did you sleep w ya teacher?

    ya ikr lmaoo i mean if the parents are getting back together i just want joowon to find someone else and then haesoo and taku can be together and boom it all works out

sam August 8, 2020 8:44 pm

i love love love huan wen and yuans story but i’m kinda missin lihuan and yuyang

sam August 3, 2020 2:37 am

i loved the relationships and art it’s definitely one of my favorite art styles i’ve ever read but would anyone like to just give me a basic overview of like the world and all the jobs and how the h&h company works and like the basic plots of both season because imma be honest i literally had no clue what was happening for most of the time i was reading - maybe it’s because i read the english translation but ya if anyone actually understood what was going on if you would explain it to me that would be absolutely lovely

    Ōdorī August 4, 2020 11:44 pm

    H&H company is a thing because the humans no longer needed help from the angels or the devil's, because they are super advanced. So because the devil's and angels were bored God gave them a place to work. What the so is sort out abnormalities in the lives of humans. Get what I mean?

    Ōdorī August 4, 2020 11:49 pm

    Over time because they interacted with each other even more, devils and angels started to breed together. So as evolution goes over time at some point those kids of mix breed could choose (so it seems with ginger in the backstory that had me a bit confused) whether they wanted to be and Angel or devil, because in the hh company you get jobs based on you race and etc.

    sam August 5, 2020 10:56 am
    Over time because they interacted with each other even more, devils and angels started to breed together. So as evolution goes over time at some point those kids of mix breed could choose (so it seems with ging... Ōdorī

    ohhhhhhh ok THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU that makes sense i think i kind of got that when i read it but it was a bit jumbled in my head yk but ya thanks - i still confused on the plot of each season though haha

    Ōdorī August 5, 2020 3:57 pm
    ohhhhhhh ok THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU that makes sense i think i kind of got that when i read it but it was a bit jumbled in my head yk but ya thanks - i still confused on the plot of each season though haha sam

    Lol I'm an English Lit Major so it make understanding things soooo much easier. So I'll re read the 1st and 2nd season just for you 2

    sam August 5, 2020 5:49 pm
    Lol I'm an English Lit Major so it make understanding things soooo much easier. So I'll re read the 1st and 2nd season just for you 2 Ōdorī

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