Unpopular opinion here again: THIS IS THE AUTHORS STORY NOT YOU GUYSS!!! Yall r still on this “Author change it to a gl” shit. We are literally reading this on a illegal website y’all have less than zero say in this. Guys there’s nothing wrong with gl but this clearly isn’t that type of story. It’s definitely not a fluff story either so idk why y’all r pressing so hard for there to be 0 drama. Find another comic if that’s what your looking for. I am actually really enjoying the drama and Sibels character. It makes the story even more interesting. Y’all need to chill out. Let the author do what they want smh
Ummmmm isn’t this Rape and grooming????! Y’all Juuji is a minor and Gojo is at least in his 20’s. Isn’t Yuuji like 14 or 15? Yuuji also said no throughout the whole thing and Gojo never stopped. At the end Gojo told him he failed his test because he said no and that they’re going to do it again…. None of this sits right with me. It’s clear what some of y’all r into….
Not the woman at the end calling her hunter and not king… hoping Mo-ah puts them all in their place
REAL, put some respect on our king’s name