i’m convinced he’s like some genetically engineered human that was created to combat the zombie outbreak (also probably why he’s so hellbent on the ‘perfect’ place to live he’s probably been conditioned to look for the most valuable things).
if that’s actually true then that means this is probably his first experiences around normal people, social interactions and concepts and it’s kinda endearing when you see him like that

here’s the novel link if anyone is impatient like me https://tangerinearchive.com/series/in-the-doghouse/chapter-0/

i think melinda is suffering through some form of domestic abuse by donovan. i think she’s always been into space stuff, but maybe donovan didn’t always have those stitches around his skull. she might’ve warped her own views and believes an alien might’ve taken over her husband’s body.
(ngl that might be semi-true cos we know his company was behind Project Apple. maybe donovan was killed and they implanted another brain to carry on the farce)
i just know this is gonna be my slow-burn feel-good childhood friends to lovers manga i can’t waitttttt