eumesmoporra created a topic of Thirst

its just hilarious how it so obvious wren is feeling aroused and vulnerable or whatever but then tristan just fckin insists on confirming that and then is "surprised" that hes feeling embarassed and lowkey enticed? lol my guy r u stoopid

eumesmoporra created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal

okay that was a really sweet cheek kiss and I didnt expect to be like aWWWW just from that

this manhwa is easily one of the best when it comes to the expressions both seme and uke make during sex

eumesmoporra created a topic of Nerd Project

author is a sadist who likes to edge their readers -_-


eumesmoporra created a topic of Lucky Paradise

ngl I need someone to devour me like that too ugh......

eumesmoporra created a topic of Crucial Point

does anyone actually feel like theyd get turned on while having their heads held down in water like that? just curious because me personally I think id just be panicking after that lol

eumesmoporra created a topic of Green Apple Paradise

screaaaming I love the tension between yeo nan and dalguk its so intense

eumesmoporra created a topic of Gig of the Day

guys I love yeomin I love how the author is showing he can fucking stand his ground and hes cool and hes good at getting away from trouble, honestly hes a legend for being able to survive and still be such a cutie apart from all the shit he has and had to deal with in his life.

also I shouted at the end of the chapter when taeseo said hop on top lol

eumesmoporra asked a question

hello anybody got GOOD BL recs that are rated under 9 stars on here and you think are HIGHLY underrated? no r*pe, ab*se, nothing with that sorta crap please

I sometimes come across some but it's rare and I feel like I might be missing out on A LOT of gems because I overlook them when they're less than 9.1 already

the nipples aaaaa they look like alien antenas ewwww lol

eumesmoporra created a topic of Jinx

he should feel proud of doing jaekyung like this and having the strength to step down and fricking get out of there
Id love to see dan also giving jaekyung the cold shoulder FOR A GOOD WHILE.

eumesmoporra created a topic of My Calypso

I think this was cute but
am I the only one who feels like everything was a bit too simple and too... sudden? like okay i'll become human for him. okay i'll grant you anything you want. okay you'll come back and you'll be a god again and so will him, just like that.

all I could make were "hmmmm???" noises while reading

eumesmoporra created a topic of Wet Sand

chris' character has annoyed me so damn much since the start of this manhwa jesus christ im still wondering whats the puporse of him being a part in all of this.... how is it helping the plot develop in anyway?

ight who coming with me to beat the shit out of that fucking twink

eumesmoporra created a topic of Nerd Project

dont really understand why luke is SO damn hesitant about whats going on with andrew, I mean, this type of thing happens all the time in BL but is it really as simple as "I thought I was straight and now this guy is making me feel confused but I dont wanna really think about what I actually feel" or is there more to it? anyone?

what why did the author cut the smex scene short T_T it was getting so good
I like this story though :)

eumesmoporra add manga to list ;-))))

Self-conscious gay, Seto, encounters well-dressed Kurusu while he was in the middle of crying from a...

  • Author: Amaki Io
  • Genres: Yaoi