Does anyone knows if the emperor going to die later on or is he still going to be alive like he's so annoying????

killed. but revived again.
Maybelle stabbed both of Bellerophon and the trash using gungnir (her 2nd weapon. a mighty spear). Phon pinned the trash so he can't escape while Maybelle aimed from above (she mounted Lasol).
Maybelle will revives him accidentally when she desperately wants to revive Rykell (he vanished. sacrificing himself to drain the black magic), and Abel (Dying protecting Maybelle).
Maybelle's overpowered magic restored EVERYTHING . Her broken magic staff is also restored. Papa, Loyal butler, Broken building, dead soldiers, wounded soldiers, mr.antagonist... Maybelle heals everything
in the end Rykell and co just dump the trash under Margot's "care" (she is Maybelle's mother's disciple who became an archmage). Margot got the worst effect from the convenant so they let her to torture the trash for eternity.

i read the novel directly, i put the spoiler in novelupdates forum. my username is afelixe there. message me in NU if you meed fast response
The amount of second hand embarrassment this chapter has ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ (≧∀≦) and the female lead and male lead reaction is hella hilarious I'm laughing so hard I can't breath rn ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ