i loved it but i thought the ending was pretty bullshit. i was so on board with the message that there are so many things u can’t change no matter how hard u try, and if u accept it and learn to move on from it you’ll find life a lot less suffocating. i know how hard it was for him to overcome their parents death but all of a sudden WOW BACKSTORY!! doesn’t make him any less of a douche,, u cannot change the past, and i don’t like how suddenly he’s just wow ok cool i love my sister but it’s ok i treated her like shit because i was hurting too. makoto was sacrificing everything he could just to give her a life she would enjoy but i feel like that just went down the drain?? like oh ur second choice to me cuz my brother is not abusing my anymore. thanks bye! i don’t know. i really liked the manga but i wish it would’ve stayed like it did at the beginning. i wouldn’t say i’m surprised since it happens so often but i expected a little bit more from this one

i can agree a bit with your comment, i would personally find it hard to just continue normally after my own brother was abusing me. the brother said he would go to therapy but i think the little girl should be going too. it’s just that it doesn’t make sense that she so easily just loved him after all the things he told her and did to her. but i guess that’s the plot of the story? she’s a special strong kid who can overcome a bundle of things? i did really enjoy this story, i would be lying if i said i didn’t cry too.
god i love her sooo much