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Coo May 8, 2017 6:14 pm

So what's gonna happen now that he's at Mo's house? Are they just gonna sit around and be like "" and then He Tian leaves? Or is something more significant gonna go down?? ;)

Coo December 12, 2016 4:40 am

This is dandy but I'm sitting here wondering what the heck happened to She I'm picturing him being beaten the fuck up in an alley somewhere while these four dweebs are clowning around lol

And seriously...I love this manhua but it's still also weird to me that the whole situation of Jian Yi almost being kidnapped by He Tian's bro and friends was also completely dropped. Like in real life, would people really have that happen to them and then say "eh, oh well, moving on"??

Coo's questions ( All 12 )

Coo May 3, 2017 7:35 pm

Any yaoi or webtoons that are kinda like the Hangover movie where the characters are in a crazy situation but they don't really remember how it happened and the story flashbacks to detail everything? Thanks!

Coo April 10, 2017 10:54 pm

Any yaoi where the couple are shy about having sex with each other? Thanks

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