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ARMY_06 January 3, 2024 12:32 pm

In no fucking way that this tall and bulky ass mf is drunk without that blushing shit going on I swear to god

ARMY_06 November 11, 2023 12:46 pm

I kinda feel like siyun is the giver in this relationship and jeongmin keeps on receiving his efforts. Of course, it would feel like shit if you feel like your efforts are not enough and that's why he kept on dismissing his emotions. I understood jeongmin's reactions and actions during the past few chapters but during this chapter, it was one of her actions that seems unreasonable for me (it's valid of course but it was just far too much). It was so frustrating that the story seems to show that siyun is the bigger red flag but I think both of them are the red flag. The more that they stay with one another, the more that they become toxic so it felt like it would be better for them to work on themselves first BEFORE THIS SHIT ASS RELATIONSHIP

    MYOSOTIS. November 12, 2023 12:22 am

    THIS IS SO REALLLLL!! LIKE SHE IS LIVING WITH HIM AND NOT EVEN PAYING FOR ANYTHING ( bc shes poor ig) AND SHE IS JUST THINKING THAT MOST OF THE FAULT IS SIYUN !!! But i think they both need help... maybe try therapy ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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