this is not my own spoiler, just found it from NovelUpdate's forum of Inso's Law. If you want more talks and spoilers, you an go ahead and visit there.
The novel's actually finished, in kakao it has 550 chapters and in the ebook version it's total of 10 volumes...so it's a long ride. I've only read up to volume 6, and that was almost two years ago so my memories are a bit blurry....but here goes.
- Will MC end up with one of four heavenly king?
Typically, reverse harems tend to have a little something with all the potential romantic partner characters and only settles down with one at the end of the story, this one's no exception. From where I left off, it seems like Cheonyoung and Eunho are the two strong candidates. (Personally I'm rooting for Eunho but apparently -according to the comments- the author gives Cheonyoung a lot of pushes?)
- Does the supposed to be heroine clings to MC more?
Yes, they're both number one for each other. Sisters before boys I guess.
- Spoilers about after MC's trouble/incident?
*Oof this is gonna be one of my 'sloppy' explanations but hang with me:blobastonished:)
She spills a bit of her side of the story, not after the night that thing happened but after awhile, in the "present time". In the manhwa you can see there's a "present" timeline; where they just graduated middle school and are now going to highschool (hence the fight with Cheonyoung cuz he overheard MC saying she wants to go to another school away from them, and feels betrayed, asking if she thinks of him/others as her friends at all), and other scenes are reminiscing of the past. She has a nightmare on a rainy night, about 'that day' when the world shifted back to her original dimension and she couldn't contact any of them or find their house, and calls Eunhyung for comfort. When he shares his traumatic memory that took place on a rainy day like this and how it brings back up nightmares, she opens up about 'that day'. And that the truth is; she wasn't simply lost, she was gone from <their world> and that she was too afraid that they won't believe her or turn their backs on her disappointed. Which also leads to the reason why she's "distancing" herself from them like trying to go to another school -she doesn't want to get emotionally attached to them, but she feels like she failed. The heavenly kings also knew something was off, even on the night when 'the incident' happened. After Eunhyung hangs up MC's phonecall in the "present timeline", he discuss this with Cheonyoung who was also with him in the room. They discuss about how naturally they 'forgot' about MC's existence in the time that took place during 'the incident'. They had a plan to go on a trip together, yet they managed to call the heroine to talk about it but didn't remember or noticed to call MC, nor did they identify MC's phone address in their phones. They fear the possibility that they might one day if it happens again, and they somehow stumble upon her phone number address, doesn't remember/know who it is, and erase it --then that might be erasing the last trace or evidence that MC was ever here or existed with them.
EDIT: Eun Jiho, not Eunho
so MC (which is Dani goes out with the heroine's older brother (FUCK I DIDNT KNOW MY SHIP WOULD SAIL EVN FOR JUST A BIT LONG!!!!) for a while in volume 7 (pertaining to the manhwa or the novel), but at the end the true ML she ends up with is Jiho (the white haired guy).
so this is based from what i have heard, Yeoryeong or the Heroine will also end up with Eunhyung or the red haired guy. I hope this helped for yall. You shouldn't have read if you'll end up regretting it. I'm also starting to read the translated novel and it's close to ending, well I hope it really does.

for the translated novel, here the free novel link: https://readnovelfull.com/the-law-of-webnovels.html#tab-chapters-title

id ont really know much except the fact that he's really a guy and dani just thought that he's some girl pretending to be a guy because we all know that ruda's that pretty. and also here's what i found while searching about him: He has a mysterious background and is often chased and attacked by men in suits for unknown reasons. He is possibly the heir of a Korean mafia boss, that being his mother. He is also the heir to Reed System, an international security company, son to the American owner Ian Reed.

After the whole fight with Rimuru and Yuki Kagurazaka (the master of Kazaream). Rimuru will make Laplace as one of his comrades, I still don't know if that includes Tear and Footman. I think Laplace did this things only because of Clayman's greed and that he is his friends, but Laplace is originally just mischievous and playful guy and was never meant to be really evil. And yes, Laplace is really strong than expected.

i wanted to blaim yeodam on this, he should know what responsibilities he has right now. his action depends on the lives of a million people around him. and as a herbalist that he is, he also should know that skipping meals is just not good. yeodam hold power more than every woman and man could have, even the strongest just kneel in front of him. the emperor already has a violent nature, and he knows that. ugh, i just want them to listen to their own hearts at once. if the emperor could just listen to his heart and confess his feelings loudly, and if only yeodam could listen to the different emperor that he knew, who was with him for all years. who learned a lot from him. whose willing to take down his throne in order to be with him. then maybe they could change slowly for the sake of the two of them and highkey for the world too.

i know its hard, but like i said, he's aware that the emperor is favoring him (but he thinks its only because of a child) but the emperor proved himself throughout the years he was with him as a kid. yeodam came back to past, and everything has change since then, isnt he aware that there will obviously be changes from the emperor's personality after spending the time with him?

He mooned as a child for years and the ml is under the impression that the Emperor has been playing games with him his whole life. Studying it that way I think he would consider all those years him playing him for a game and being selfish rather than him changing because as an individual he's blinded by his suffering. And I know they will get together but he should never forgive it forget all those years of suffering he went through.

im pretty much enjoying everything, but i think i might enjoy it more they could longer the sexual tension. i mean, can you feed us hynes with just their love? we need nudity ya'll, harry's body deserves more eyes to look at. and yes i repeat, im w slut for the both of them, yveria and harry i mean.
as long as he didnt take that guys offer, and the fact that he can kill that chieftain in one freakin shot!