I swear that i already read the manhwa until the scene that lucas comeback and bring the tree rod. Claude sleep in the sofa not in bed, athy is there visiting claude at night then lucas come throw thetree rod to claude and athy angry at him for doing that. And then claude remember about athy. The next day some meeting happened and some of the palace officials talking bad about athy in front Claude coz they don't know that Claude already remember athy. This that i remember clearly after i read the manhwa but peoples say this manhwa doesn't have raws. So where all this pic that on my ead come from. Damn I'm confused.

What the meaning of this from whom the mission is? Is it the king of koryo or from someone else? I have a hard time to understand it my brain isn't working. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/they_say_i_was_born_a_king_s_daughter/uu/fm_v-2-chapter-84/pg-46/
Hello chapther 37 and 38 is the same chapter.