It breaks my heart knowing that there really is such a strong stigma against depression and other mental issues...that most people who experience trauma, like Haruki, don't open up about what's troubling them. :'(
And to rub salt on the wound, people surrounding them, their family even, think that because they're not functioning normally they SHOULD be avoided...instead of helping them heal :'(
I think this is what the mangaka is trying to put across. Idk maybe not because they do it in a little too crass way..? But that's what I'm getting out of this. It's such a gripping story...

HOLD UP, have you told anyone other than the internet about this, I'm assuming your currently dealing with this since you said "has been" and if it's impossible to tell the authority's about what's going on i'm willing to talk to you about it if you want because that is not okay and I know that it can be helpful to talk to someone about it even if it's hard. Best wishes to you

They were probably talking about Haruki

I know right, when I drop out from college, I've suffered from depression and my family and friends stay away from me like I'm some kind of disease, they treat me like I'm some schizoprenia patient and they even tried to put me in asylum.
I feel like it's not so much that Norihiko-san is manipulative/evil. I think he's just madly in love with Ikuro and acts the way he does (i.e. taking advantage of his weakness) because of such strong feelings...