I've been wondering for a long time but I have been too shy to ask. How do you pronounce :
1. Manga
2. Seme
3. Uke

1) mah-guh:
2) Seh-meh
3) Yuuke
lol. prob been pronouncing these wrong for all my life.

The hell is mah-guh? lol i'm reading it how its written MANGA

I think Uke is read Ooh-kay (the Ooh read as the oo in food). If it is read as yuuke, then it will be written as yuke instead as uke. The mah-guh one made me giggle; it's really cute now that we write it that way. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ Mah-guh (with a soft 'n' sound between) is literally how we read it tho.

Mah-guh XDD the best thing i've read today, sounds like creature from a rpg
Anyone else not able to give stars to manga anymore? Like when you finish them at the end I can't rate them. :(
yeah same problem... and some ratings even disappeared! Not with all mangas though - mangago is being picky in that way ┗( T﹏T )┛