Why did Taejun think that they look happy? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS STOP IT.
Who's gonna like your desperate ass you look like a pathetic dog tailing anyone
Desperate btch go die in a ditch
I just know at this point William doesn't deserve Annie, no redemption can cure you from that sir
Why did she reincarnate in her old life two times tho.
Yeah know I’m not really sure. I think because the holy gods of reincarnation wanted her to “fix” her old life.
He really got insane and mad just because he liked a married woman. Btch go away
What the fuck is wrong with the prince?! They're fucking married and you rejected her, what got you so mad you immature dumb fuck
Wahh, gomen i meant to like your comment. Fr tho wtf.
This asshole rejected him, then approached him years later just to make him feel miserable again. Istg if this fucker doesn't change
They're so cute and hilarious I can't wait for more
Step away pls. Btch i hope you evaporate into thin air
Why did Taejun think that they look happy? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS STOP IT.