I liked the story but it was REALLY rushed by the end. It happened all so fast.
But what I'm frustrated about is that it ended in such a rushed way that we didn't get to see more cute scenes between her and Ricco. I wanted to see more of their relationship before it ended (like, the honeymoon. I mean, they didn't ACTUALLY have one). I wonder if the author plans to write some side stories, at least...

The novel is sooooo good so I'm glad it got a manhwa. I love their dynamic! The FL likes to tease the ML and he's the type to blush a lot. The ML is just very expressive overall, I love him

The novel was translated as "I'm Not Doing This With a Friend!"
Novel Updates Link: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/im-not-doing-this-with-a-friend/

I like that the manhwa shows other character's perspective. The novel was too focused on Iana's point of view, so it was hard to understand the situation sometimes. If Iana didn't know something, the readers could only try to understand by getting hints. The manhwa is showing things in a clearer way. It's also good that the pace isn't too slow, compared to the novel.
I hope the manhwa follows a different path from the novel, because I thought it wasn't... great. Basically only one man was okay in the head in that story. I noticed they already made minor changes. I wonder if they plan to make bigger ones.
For someone who didn't even know how to anger Courtney enough to get her to hit him, he sure seems to have mastered the art of bratting. He's begging to be punished at this point
And that's how we got ch 1 (=・ω・=)