slothsome created a topic of Perfect Buddy

I don't like this feeling i don't want this to end, i just can't get enough of them they are so cute

slothsome created a topic of Do You Still Like Me?

Bruhhh i wanted so much to see what their bonding mark would look like i can't believe they didnt show it hope their are extras

slothsome created a topic of Macguffin

I never expected this bl to go like that actually it felt different, like a psychological type, for some reason a think they should have given us more bonding family time, i wanted to see more of the child it was good

slothsome created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Come on Hyunsoo u have to go after him u love him

slothsome created a topic of Work Love Balance

Im excited to see Kang worked up but i was reading some spoilers and idk anymore, hope i don't end up hating Kang i just wanna see him jelly and make a fool of himself

slothsome created a topic of My introverted boy

Im loving this it's so relatable, when he saw how close everyonewas with her even when he was the first to talk to her, i could really feel it, the desire to get close to someone and not being able to

slothsome created a topic of Kisses x Kiss x Kisses

What does kibi means? Ik it's like kiss combi, but idk what that is either

I really need this to comeback, been waitimg i think more than a year (个_个)(个_个)