2025-01-12 02:48 marked
we are literally combining abilities now like tetris blocks... it's funny not serious, I don't feel at all surprised Fukuzawa is dead, and you shouldn't either since we all know in another 5 minutes, everyone is going to be revived because Asagiri doesn't kill characters (which should be a really big warning sign in of itself).
Early when the Cannibalism arc came out, and we were officially really truly introduced to the best anime character in the entire world, Fyodor Dostoevsky, I told my friend that when he and Dazai do a showdown (when, not even if that is how predictable THAT was), ONE of them HAS to die in that showdown, or else this manga will go to shit.
This manga has already gone to shit and will continue to go to shit for two main reasons: 1) Asagiri is dragging this out too long 2) Asagiri doesn't know what balance is.
I cannot begin to explain how stupidly overpowered Dostovesky's ability is, and I cannot begin to explain why the implications of his ability on LITERALLY EVERYTHING HE HAS DONE and every instance where his ability almost directly goes against what was explicitly shown in the series. I don't know what fantastical ability Asagiri has to make up to make up for those incidents (read: Karma and that one guard) but it will be ridiculous.
However, what I am actually truly disappointed in is that this is seinen. It's a mystery, psychological seinen that has heavy topics that range from someone who idealizes suicide to people who functionally have the claw their way out of hell to make a living. Does this series give two shits about that? No. Is there honest to god any focus on it? No. This series is functionally a shounen, it's not a seinen, it was never made for an older audience or an audience that wants to use half of their brain cells.
To prove this, let's go back all the way to the Guild arc. What happened at the end? Atsushi and Akutagawa beat up Fitzgerald. Then let's go to Cannibalism. What happened at the end? Atsushi and Akutagawa beat up Goncharov. What are we doing now? Atsushi is planning on beating up whatshisface and Dostoevsky. Of course, there are caveats, but these chokehold moments that determine this goddamn series are always determined by who? Atsushi and Akutagawa beating shit up.
Do you know where you find this pattern? In young age shounen. Do you know why? Because it appeals to kids. Atsushi and Akutagawa are not characters designed for an older audience, they aren't even all that complicated - we could guess what happened to Akutagawa a good few chapters into BSD. Now just to make sure, because I know how braindead BSD fans are, they aren't "bad" characters, they are good characters, they're just functionally very simply designed characters, with stories that don't have an extrema of depth. Of course, people will fight me on that, but they are not difficult characters to understand. They don't make you think and are fairly straight forward in that sense. Do you really need to wonder about human relationships through Atsushi and Akutagawa? God no, it's fed to you, you need to be like 14 to be wondering about that whilst reading this.
I have heard the, OMG BSD is such a SERIOUS series and it's SOOOO mature. It isn't? I've been reading it since I was twelve and I never once thought this series is all that mature. Just because your main character idealizes suicide doesn't make it mature, that just makes it edgy. And BSD isn't edgy, it's just ALMOST edgy. There is nothing "deep" about this story, if you think Dazai being affected by Oda is such a deep character trait you really need to read more lol. That's not depth, that's called cause and effect. But the thing is... it is also A deep story. It's not NOT deep, it's just hen you read it, there is no depth to it, you have to think about it... And yeah, people who don't serially read manga will fight me on this, but BSD reads like a shounen action with some cool gimmicks and once in a blue moon shocks everyone with how depressing it. it's not that it lacks depth and this is why it's *nearly* edgy, it's that it's presented in a way that it seems like it lacks depth especially with the recent arcs.
Just because you make the mood feel older doesn't mean your content it lmao. it's not hard to make a mature mood, it's harder to have mature subjects and adding in stuff like mafiosos and killing people and family member death ooh chuya doesn't feel like he belongs in this world because he's basically a robot isn't... all insightful...? idk why some people feel like it is, it really isn't... if you guys ever bother to think about what even is going on in your life, it really isn't all that special in anything it does, mostly because the author refuses to do anything with it. Like he can crank Dazai's story to meteoric levels of insane character development, but he doesn't. He can make Mori into this godly character that people don't just simp for because they are degenerates. But... he doesn't. Instead, we're stuck with a kind of mid character... whose development is spearheaded by a community of people who probably haven't read anything once in their lives and the idea of someone changing is groundbreaking to them - COME ON Shakespeare's been doing that and he's literally known for being a shitty plot writer lmao.
However, I'm not saying Dazai isn't a complicated character, I'm saying he's not written as one. He is and functionally just by his base lore of being a ex-pm executive is probably one of the more complicated characters. It's just... this series doesn't really do anything with it. Wow his past got revealed... did we get any character introspection? No. Do you know the purpose of his past? yes, it was one of those shounen this is the past behind this character with a dark past. It doesn't really do anything with it at all. Dazai should have some of the most introspective plot dynamics in this series because he functionally changed his entire personality and values - DOES THIS HAPPEN? NO.
... yeah, author really fucked up on that point. if you think that teensy tiny little bit on Dazai's past serves as anything valuable - his past arc is something you find in a shounen series because you don't need this level of depth in a character a 13 year old is going to watch. If me at 12 could understand what was going on perfectly fine and basically grasp why he did so and so, then there is something fundamentally wrong. And I used to read a lot of psychological, so when 12 year old me stumbled on Death Note, no i did not understand it that well. The that even when I look retrospectively I find that my younger self's understanding of this character is fairly consistent just shows this series is NOT written well.
and the most common argument against bad character writing is: "you should just analyze his character" fuck you that's not how this shit works. if you are going to make ME analyze his character first give me enough material to do that, or base the entire story around it like how Houseki no Kuni did it so that since the entire plot is based on that you HAVE to. Don't give me this bullshit where I have to baby like an entire cast of 70~ characters and analyze all of them because the author doesn't know how to keep track of his goddamn characters as well.
you don't do introspective character plot circulation using a cast of 70~ MAJOR characters.
The reason why this fandom is so saturated with Dostoevsky's rat babies (I actually did meet one who called themselves this lol) is because it's not deep and it's not deep because it doesn't write itself as being deep. If someone was truly deep you aren't going to get these kinds of fans. Because the emotional crisis the series would and honestly SHOULD get will scare away all of them rat babies like rat poison. This isn't slow damage where you have layer upon layer of parts to a character being peeled back, it's a straight forward linear relationship that is stupidly contrived to seem complicated but in reality is fucking stupidly simple because author refuses to give any nuance to it.
When the author introduced Dostoevsky I was actually really hyped. Because Dostoevsky is the perfect character to force readers to reconsider Dazai since they are functionally 'mirrors' of each other. Did that happen...?
Some people saying that their conversation is super deep - it's only message was that Dostoevsky doesn't believe in the power of friendship - WHICH WOW, IT'S NOT LIKE I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING SINCE HE IDK CLEARLY USED EVERYONE AROUND HIM LIKE THEY WERE PROPS??? When Dazai said that I laughed... I l a u g h e d.
Now, I actually do think that the Friendship is Magic concept isn't inherently cheap or boring by itself, it's just, almost anyone with half a brain could figure that one out the second Dostoevsky showed up with that obnoxiously cute smirk of his and decided to punpunpun into my heart. It's not that difficult to even just assume he's a paranoid cute shitface. It's like his entire character archetype, now they just have to copy paste some sad background - wow that's so... creative. I'm sorry, but if this is the best character you can come up with combat Dazai you really don't understand your own characters...
And the entire Oda's death affected Dazai is also ngl complete bullshit in of itself. That's not how people work, and the only reason why I accepted it at the time was because Dazai is smart enough to make that change. Actually there is a good Shakespeare play that does this (hopefully you BSD fans aren't too braindead for this) but in Kind Lear, Edmund, functionally does the same thing. When everything he has done is laid before him and every crime he has committed becomes apparent to him explicitly, he changes almost in like two lines.
And some people say that's sudden, no that man was a manipulative genius who got almost his entire family dead purely through his own machinations he has the intelligence to afford that kind of moral regeneration.
Dazai does too, so I accepted it. But the way how BSD writes it... it makes it feel as though it is entirely on Oda who changes him, when it really isn't and shouldn't be like that. And I've seen people argue this and every time I just want to cry that's not how people work no matter WHAT they say to you.
Everyone in the Port Mafia is a shitty person (do NOT try to argue with me on that lol, you are insane if you think otherwise, the only person who can even slightly be afforded an argument elsewise is Akutagawa lolol). Someone like Dazai can immediately drag out every evidence of that and immediately understand the implications of what he is doing. He knows everything he just functionally doesn't really care about it and now that Oda forces him to care, he can immediately calculate what he is becoming and that is what should make him leave the Port Mafia.
it's not that Oda does anything, Oda just convinces him to think about what he is becoming.
Everything else is stuck in Dazai's own experiences. Everything else should be due to what Dazai experienced and what he rationalizes, not some offhand comment by someone who is dying.
And if you write him in any other way forcing Oda to take on more responsibility... well you can, but 1) that's kind of lame since you already have the set up anyway 2) you are wasting an entire arc you just made why...
Also you would need WAY more information on Oda to do that kind of trick. That honestly the audience doesn't want all that much. Because all of you guys are brainless BSD fans like me.
Do we see ANY of this? No. We really do NOT. I've seen enough people say it's to fulfil Oda's dying wish. That is a really... superficial reason that's usually used as a surface cover to hide a deeper more insightful reason. and I've seen people have cool theories about it.
Let me say that again: Cool. Theories.
And this, my fellow rat friends, is ONE character.
Atsushi and Akutagawa are actually not that hard... since they are so young lol, but the littlest amount of anything has been sprinkled on them. I think people complaining about Atsushi development don't seem to understand - he has had development, his development is huge, it's just this series is so bad at character writing unless you literally give up being a PM executive it doesn't feel like they grew.
And i cannot stress how rare it is for a series to screw up this badly. Usually this slow progression is a good thing (like Tsunayoshi and Reborn's relationship in KHR you can't explain it, but you just KNOW their relationship is better). It's a good thing because it gives a sense of time. Atsushi undergoes this as well, he went from someone pretty pathetic in all honesty to someone who is slightly more trickier whilst also become more firm in what he wants and where "he" as a person wants to go which is massive considering all he wanted was to eat before.
But you don't feel this because BSD shitty writing doesn't show this kind of thing, they just use the same character quirks over and over again without bothering to show anything for it. You don't get internal dialogue, just the classic I need to be stronger or something, and so when asked about character development it's hard to say anything.
That coupled with the sheer NUMBER of characters that could have been the mc... and you have where we're at right now, where everything feels disconnected and everyone has their own show.
BSD is written with way too many complicated characters and that sounds kind of weird to say since you would argue that it's a good thing, but the issue is that they aren't complicated in a good way, but in a complicated way with varying relationships between each other that makes it really difficult to do anything about it. And makes the story complicated and hard to follow (big brain moment, yes I am too stupid for this stupid plot device)
Like, let's just talk for a moment about Ranpo, Yosano, Fukuzawa, and Mori who are in this deadass SQUARE of a relationship with each other. It's 'complicated' is an understatement we get like a few chapters worth of it when it really honestly should be way longer. THESE PEOPLE COULD HAVE AN ENTIRE SERIES WRITTEN ABOUT THEM AND IT WOULD BE TOP TIER.
Seriously... the entire concept that Mori is an army doctor that forced Yosano to use her abilities in ummm interesting ways and the entire idea of being undying due to someone else is really cool but it doesn't last as long as it should and Asagiri has this issue and I ngl think it's because he doesn't know how to end the matter in a good way so he shoved them all into one thing instead of actually bothering to expand it.
But the thing is... thing kind of writing of massive amounts of main characters HAS been done before... Baccano has done it before. So why does BSD suck compared to Baccano (and this is objective btw, Baccano is hands down BETTER than BSD at how they handle characters)? Well, Baccano basically did what BSD is doing right now... but it doesn't use... gimmicks. Everything ties into each other, everyONE ties into each other because let's be honest, BSD as an office would be a physical pain. Opposites attract is a lie and the entire concept that Kunikida and Dazai working together is a good thing does NOT make sense at all.
You can be opposites, but you need to make up for each other. Dazai does not make up for Kunikida, his laziness drags Kunikida down. Kunikida does not make up for Dazai, he's not goddamn smart enough to keep up. If anything, Dostoevsky is a better pair but those two would just make the series straight up boring. Chuya and Dazai are shitty people to work together you guys are INSANE if you seriously think your ship is going to be canon (there are some people like that...)
Which is why we introduce the second group: Atsushi and Akutagawa. They are... actually functional lmao. Actually, if this series focused entirely on Atsushi and Akutagawa it would probably run like a Baccano, but Dazai keeps on butting in and shoving in his entire vomit-inducing past into our faces, dragging our attention away to all of his dysfunctional relationships - this is the other problem with characters in BSD.
Now that asagiri has fully expounded useless cheap (above) data on Dazai that... fails to what it should have been doing, we are left with tidbits of everyone else.
Yeah. BSD character background pacing sucks.
A lot of things that are really interesting in BSD should honestly get their own series or their own really long side note, but they really don't. Actually the Guild is a really good example where Asagiri made good side characters. They are somewhat complex and have varying motives, but they aren't overbearingly complex that require too much brainpower that I am diverting from Dostoevsky's smile (he's so cute I-). The Guild is arguably the only arc in the entire series so far that is good because it is early so all of Asagiri's creative juices are actually speaking to each other and communicating on pacing and spacing. The only thing I have against Guild is honestly that the entire was too shounen-esque and a pretty meh ending.
As much as indepth characters are good, if your main characters are hanging off a thread you are... really just overcomplicating things. And with how the author seemingly just decided to decrease siscon brocon siblings Tanizaki and Naomi instead of going borderline twitter cancellable and exploring that relationship just shows how much guts this author has... Ranpo has been reduced to unwillful negligence which sucks because he would have been way more interesting if it was willful, and
On a side note, we have like 2 or 3 light novels about Chuya. Now yes, I hate that man lmao, but I swear I am being completely objective when I say this, but Chuya's arc is the most fucking boring arc in the entire series because Chuya is as Dazai hates him for, basically really annoying, simple, and arrogant.
I don't really want to go full on trashing on why having that much stuff on Chuya is straight up overkill because I know Chuya fans are like a nuclear bomb waiting to be thrown at me, but basically, he's simple. He's basic. He's arrogant. His entire plot gimmick is just he's a couple of codes (explains why he's so simple and stupid ngl). Yeah wowww he's not understood by anyone... sadly he's too GODDAMN STUPID TO CARE ABOUT IT.
yeah ok, that's why we don't need to waste time on Chuya as a character (I do hate him with all of my nonexistent heart for him, so I honestly never really bothered to think that hard on him because lolol I HATE HIM, so there probably is something more to him, I just never thought it to be useful enough to waste that much time on... sorry your husbando is so annoying...)
And this is functionally the issue with BSD. You don't see people praising its character dynamics of which it hinges on A LOT. You see people praising its plot mechanics and I will say this right now: its plot mechanics suck (below). The characters are complicated... not by the merit of the writing but by everyone's headcanons... When we say, everyone has their own interpretation of the character... sure but when 90% of a character's intention is STILL not shown after 100 chapters, there is an issue.
There is another issue. Gimmicks.
BSD is functionally a gimmick story. It uses cheap tricks and unique small (read: SMALL) plot twists to create small breaks to make people interested in it. The entire "mystery" of it after all. To prove that this is a gimmick and hardly anything important, just ask yourself, can you replace 90% of all the abilities in this series with guns and classic fighting abilities and leave it there? Can you? Actually, you can. If you didn't notice, you can functionally replace 'abilities' and do some shifting and you could probably get the same story - my point is, their abilities are inconsequential to the stories.
Abilities are rare my friends - does that matter to the story? God no, it was mentioned once and we were all thrown in ability fever.
Ok well there are a lot of gimmicky shows that are cool; 1) those are almost ALL comedy, 2) those have an actual seinen psychological plot to back them up.
I know BSD readers don't have brain cells (including me) so let's talk about the most brain cell inducing series made: Liar Game. And then let's use Tomodachi Game.
Liar Game is considered a masterpiece, Tomodachi Game is a meme. They have functionally the same genre, they have functionally the same premise, they even have functionally the same character archetypes honestly. Why is Tomodachi Game a meme? Because it has nothing worthwhile to say. Liar Game is gold because it considers what is means to be a good person USING the gimmicks they have to create a point. Tomodachi Game does shit about that, but I love the genre so 5* anyway. Tomodachi game is the survival game for normies genre type on every stereotype possible, it doesn't really do anything - say anything about human relationships, Tomodachi Game has terrible takes on what people mean to each other and just does things for shock value, what am I supposed to say? Don't trust anyone??? What a shit message.
How does that translate to BSD? Abilities just EXIST. Like anything interesting about abilities are locked behind the light novels, and even then the most we got on anything is from Chuya who is possibly the worst character to do this analysis on because he's a fucking exception.
Chuya is an exception as is Verlaine.
Ohh right, I forgot that they had gods sealed in them? Do we investigate these gods? No. If the readers have to live off crumbs for when this author decides to write a novel once every 2000 year years this author sucks. I'm sorry, Asagiri, even if you flood your twitter account with writing tips you are shit at writing and pacing and power dynamics and character dynamics.
And honestly, all that's fine because this is a seinen and seinen has this tendency to bounce around and force readers to figure things out - Oh right... THIS WASN'T WRITTEN LIKE A SEINEN BUT A SHOUNEN.
Basically, this series took the worst of both demographics, pushed them together and prayed to Dostoevsky's adorable homicidal tendencies that it will work, and like Dostoevsky's homicidal tendencies, decided to shoot you in the face whilst laughing.
Now I've actually mentioned this before, but the issue with gimmicks is that when you do something to this extent where your entire series is just a huge uno reverse... you suffer from the fact that you now need more gimmicks to resolve your previous gimmicks.
Which is something again, only comedy series do.
BSD also has an issue where as Kawase from Hashihime once said to Tamamori, "Too shallow... Really, too shallow". This is a series about books I expect there to be some relevant information on the themes from those books not some blanket recovery sentence that they share the same name and are therefore related. I argued with someone about this because they think just using character names counts as being related, that's is an offense against these works if you are not using them to their full potential, everything about them has to be inherently related to the theme of the book I don't care how hard that is, you don't drag masterpieces in and then leave it in the hands of ducking Chuya Nakahara to blemish with his sordid words.
Almost any series that uses these books will try to include some aspect of them. This series BLATANTLY does not... Honestly... it really doesn't. Dostoevsky is NOT a representation of ANYTHING crime and punishment discusses at all... NEITHER IS DAZAI FOR THE MATTER.
I love this series, and I hate this series. I will continue to read this series in hopes the author actually does something ingenious that fixes everything even if I can't see it. But so far, this series has done nothing but drag the audience through the dumbest arc I have ever seen where everything is determined by gimmicks rather than an overarching purpose. The so-called paranoid Dostoevsky is currently facing the soloist Atsushi, is that not completely ironic?
Now before anyone in the comments starts cancelling me, yes I am a hypocrite, yes I do suck, yes I hate Chuya, yes I am biased against him, yes I love Dostoevsky, yes I love Dostoevsky. My personality is horrible, I am a horrible person, and you all scare me... Sadly no, I am not a furry. BSD fandom is so mean...
ok I'm tired rn... I just got sunday from HSR so my brain is dead he is SO cute...
I need more homicidal men to simp on lolol
2024-12-10 05:33 marked